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澳洲10开官网开奖记录查询 幸运澳洲10开奖结果历史 Full-Stack Cloud Platform for Your Business

Infrastructure as a Service

Infrastructure as a Service

OpenStack-based public cloud with pay-as-you-go or instance-based pricing.

Platform as a Service

Platform as a Service

Elastic, containerized cloud with automatic scaling, clusterization and CI/CD integration.

Kubernetes as a Service

Kubernetes as a Service

High-performance Kubernetes clusters with automated provisioning, scaling and updates.

Database as a Service

Database as a Service

Automated database provisioning, clustering, scaling & updates for your customers.

WordPress as a Service

WordPress as a Service

High performing WordPress installations with automated scaling and clustering.

Multi-Cloud Management

Multi-Cloud Management

Unified application management across multiple clouds with full interoperability

S3 Storage as a Service

S3 Storage as a Service

Scalable S3-compatible object storage for your projects.

Backup as a Service

Backup as a Service

Backup and disaster recovery powered by Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud.

We power the alternative cloud

With Virtuozzo, you can sell a faster, easier and more cost-effective alternative to hyperscale cloud, just like these cloud providers do.

Home page

Tim Timrawi,

CEO, Sharktech

“We had to make sure our cloud partner is the best on the market, the most reliable solution we can provide. We chose Virtuozzo.”

News & Resources

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The partner of choice for service providers

Working together to grow your cloud business.

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