Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure 6.0:  Linux Kernel Version 5 Upgrade

| November 28, 2023 | IaaS, Product Updates |

Version 6.0 of Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure, the production-ready OpenStack cloud platform for service providers, software vendors and enterprises, is now available.

Linux Kernel Version 5

This release marks a major milestone with the introduction of the Linux kernel version 5 as the foundation of our product. The new version extends support for a wide range of new hardware, ensuring that your infrastructure can leverage the latest technology advances, as well as better storage and virtualization performance to enhance the efficiency of your operations.

Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure 6 not only provides you with the benefits of Linux kernel 5 but also does so with minimal disruption, and a focus on cost-efficiency, automation and long-term sustainability.

Zero Downtime

One of the advantages of Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure's update process is the elimination of downtime during the kernel upgrade. In traditional update scenarios, businesses often face the challenge of scheduling downtime to perform critical updates. This can disrupt operations, lead to revenue loss and inconvenience your customers.

Our approach allows you to avoid these disruptions, ensuring that your services remain available and responsive throughout the update process.

No Additional Hardware Required

Virtuozzo's commitment to efficiency means that you can embrace the new Linux Kernel 5 without the need for additional hardware investments. Many organizations face the dilemma of having to allocate resources for new hardware to accommodate kernel upgrades. Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure saves you time and money by seamlessly integrating Kernel 5 into your existing infrastructure, making the transition hassle-free and cost-effective.

Automated Updates

VHI simplifies the entire update process by automating critical tasks. This automation not only reduces the risk of human errors during updates but also saves valuable time and resources. Administrators can rest assured that their cloud platform remains up to date and secure without manual intervention.

Uninterrupted Service Continuity

Business continuity is paramount, and during the migration to Linux Kernel 5, Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure ensures uninterrupted service continuity. Your users won't experience inconvenient disruptions, allowing you to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

We strongly recommend upgrading to Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure 6.0 as it makes a significant leap forward in terms of performance, stability, and security. However, it's important to note that this new version removes support for some legacy hardware, thus it requires more careful planning and a compatibility check before you proceed.

Full Release Notes

For all new features, improvements and fixes in Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure 6.0, see our Release Notes documentation.

How to Upgrade

Go to the SETTINGS > UPDATE section of your admin panel and initiate the upgrade process.

Note: An automated reboot of the nodes will be performed one at a time to complete the upgrade. During the reboot, the storage service and the admin panel may be unavailable on cluster configurations that don’t have redundancy of services or/and data.

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