Virtuozzo Application Platform 8.0: automated overlay L3 network set-up between regions

| November 21, 2022 | DevOps PaaS, Installer, Product Updates | , ,

We are excited to announce version 8.0 of Virtuozzo Application Platform, our Platform as a Service solution for DevOps, cloud and application hosting!

This release includes a set of improvements for service providers and their customers, including the ability to automate the difficult and time-consuming process of setting up overlay L3 networks between regions.

Check out the highlights below, along with the links to the full release notes, how to upgrade, and how to get started if you’re new to Virtuozzo Application Platform.

Overlay L3 Networks Automated Setup between Regions

Version 8.0 adds a new Virtual Networks section to the admin panel. It’s a graphical interface for automatic L3 network setup between regions, which can be a complex and error-prone process, even for experienced engineers.

The overlay L3 network feature automates most of the setup operation and removes the possibility of misconfiguration when setting up new regions and managing virtual networks. It can also be used for automatic reseller creation, as well as shared orchestrator scenarios for multiple resellers.

Here is a list of possible configurations:

  • Set up at least one host (usually two) in each region to operate as a gateway for connections between regions.
  • Create tunnels while adding the hosts, including the first host of a new region.
  • Configure different network scenarios. For example, gateway hosts can have tunnels with all gateways across the regions or only with the main region (the “star” topology).

The new feature performs a basic health check for created tunnels, and reports any problems in the cluster status.

Check out the documentation for more details on how to manage your virtual networks across regions.

Full Release Notes

Among other updates in the Virtuozzo Application Platform 8.0 release, are:

  • The Beta launch of a subscription-based pricing model for marketplace packages
  • Zabbix monitoring system agents have been upgraded to the latest version
  • Geolocation signup restriction via MaxMind has been updated to support the new GeoIP2 format
  • Support for rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512 signatures for SSH clients
  • A set of changes to the private API

For all new features, improvements and fixes, see our Release Notes documentation for service providers and end-customers. Get in touch with your account manager to upgrade your installation.

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