If you want to host your Java application on the internet for free (!) and get automated scaling and management as a bonus - now is the time.
Today we are officially opening Jelastic beta - all you need to do is go to Jelastic.com and sign up.
Once we get through the queue of applicants, you will get an email invitation with sign-in instructions and can start running your apps in the cloud for free.
As a quick recap: the goal of Jelastic is to make Java hosting simple and efficient. Basically, you just select the application stack you need (Tomcat, JBoss, GlassFish, Jetty, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, CouchDB...), upload your Java package (WAR file) and the platform does the rest.
Unlike traditional hosting/IaaS: you get the application stack configured and run for you. Jelastic can even scale the application vertically by automatically adding memory and CPU as needed.
Unlike existing Java PaaS: no code modifications are required - so no extra work or vendor/platform lock-in. See these demos where Magnolia-CMS distribution is deployed and scaled as is without a single line of code changed.
So really the goal is to be the best of both worlds. More information and registration for the beta are now available at https://Jelastic.com