Create Collaboration

In order to create your own collaboration, you just need a billing PaaS account (primary account) that will invite additional customers/users (collaboration members). You can perform most collaboration-related operations via the dedicated section at the account settings panel.

Click the Settings button in the top-right corner of the dashboard.

account settings button

Within the opened User Settings sections, you have the following two collaboration sub-sections:

  • Shared by Me - collaboration options for the primary account, it has three tabs:
    • Members - manages a list of collaboration members (invite new users, suspend or remove existing ones, customize shared environments, groups, roles, etc.)
    • Roles - configures custom roles (list of allowed actions) from the available policies
    • Policies - lists the actions that can be added to a role
  • Shared with Me - options for the collaboration members

collaboration menu

Now, follow the instructions below to set up a collaboration:

Send Collaboration Invite

Go to the account Shared by Me section on the primary account (the one where environments are actually hosted).

1. If you haven’t before, create at least one Role at the appropriate tab.

Provide the following information within the Add Role dialog:

  • Name - type any desired name for a role
  • Description - provide custom description (optional)
  • Policies - select actions allowed for a role; use search to quickly locate required actions and filter to review only selected ones
  • Receive Load Alerts Notifications - enable to allow collaboration members with this role to receive load alert notifications about shared items

add collaboration role

You can learn more about Roles & Policies at the dedicated guide.

2. On the Members tab, click the Invite button.

Fill in the fields of the opened Invite Member dialog:

  • Email - type in the address of the user you want to invite
  • Display Name - provide a custom name for the invited user (optional)
  • Shared Items - select separate items and categories (environments and groups) that you want to share with the member

invite collaboration member


  • you can assign several roles for a component - use Ctrl to select multiple options and Alt to replace all selected roles
  • you can provide different roles for each (sub-)component
  • hover over a role in the list to see a hint with all included policies
  • if needed, you can Create New Role without closing the invite form
  • you can manage environment group structure directly in the invite form - hover over the group and click the gear icon to select the required option (Add, Edit, Remove)
  • to provide an ability to create environments at the account root (i.e. without any group), share the whole Environments category with a role that grants the appropriate permission
  • if you need to share a single environment, it can be done from the appropriate environment configs

3. The invited member will appear in the list in the pending acceptance state.

collaboration pending acceptance

Now, you wait for the member to accept the invitation. Any change to the invitation will be displayed at the Members tab. Also, you’ll get the appropriate email notification about the user’s decision.

4. If needed, you can select a collaboration member to perform the necessary adjustments:

  • Edit - to change shared components and permissions at any time
    Note: If a collaboration member was logged in during the adjustments, they might need to refresh the dashboard to view new shared possibilities.
  • Copy - to share the same permissions with another user
  • Suspend / Activate - to temporarily stop / restore sharing
  • Remove - to terminate sharing and delete info about shared components and permissions

manage collaboration member

Tip: For convenience, terminated collaborations (including the case of members leaving on their own) are not removed entirely. The remaining record allows you to re-activate collaboration if necessary.

re-invite collaboration member

Accept Collaboration Invite

Wait for the primary account to send a collaboration invite for you.

1. Check your email inbox for the invite. It should look as follows:

collaboration invite email

If interested, click the View Invitation button.

Note: If not registered at the platform, the account for the current email address will be created automatically.

2. After confirming via email, you will be redirected to the platform dashboard. Here, you’ll see a dialog window that provides options to accept or reject the invitation.

join collaboration dialog

You can close the dialog or cancel the operation to process it later at the account Settings > Shared with Me section.

accept collaboration invite

3. Once accepted, the member’s dashboard will get and display new shared items.

added to collaboration notification

That’s it! All shared items are now available to the collaboration member (with defined permissions).

shared environment

Check out the Collaboration User Experience guide to check the specifics of working in collaboration.

What’s next?