Migrating Standalone Storage to GlusterFS Cluster

Currently, automatic conversion of the existing standalone storage into the GlusterFS cluster is not supported. You’ll need to recreate the storage from scratch. We recommend creating a temporary Storage node in the extra layer, copy data, and remount any existing shares. Then, recreate the initial Storage node as a GlusterFS cluster and restore data and mount shares back. The instruction below will guide you through the process step-by-step.

1. Locate the required environment in your platform dashboard and click the Change Environment Topology button.

change environment topology button

2. Within the opened wizard, add a new Shared Storage node in the Extra layer. Click Apply to proceed.

add temporary storage node

3. Connect to your initial (source) Storage node via SSH, e.g. using the built-in Web SSH client. Run the following command to generate a keypair that will be used to interconnect two storages:

ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/storage

generate SSH keypair

You can view the generated public key with the command below:

cat  ~/.ssh/storage.pub

copy public key

Use the Ctrl+Shift+С or Сmd+C shortcut in the Web SSH panel to copy the key.

4. Switch to your new Shared Storage node and connect to it via SSH as well. Insert public key from the previous step to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file using any preferred editor, for example:

vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

add key to authorizedkeys file

5. Return to the source storage and copy required data to a new node via the rsync utility:

cd /data; rsync -az . {NEW_STORAGE_IP}:/data/ -e "ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/storage"

Here, the {NEW_STORAGE_IP} placeholder should be substituted with the internal IP address of your new storage that can be viewed in the dashboard.

copy data between storages via rsync

Confirm connection by typing “yes” when prompted. The operation may require some time that depends on the amount of copied data.

6. Remount application data from the initial to temporary storage.

  • click the Config button next to our application server and Unmount the current Shared Storage unmount initial storage

  • next, create a new Mount to your temporary storage server mount temporary storage

7. Standalone Shared Storage can be replaced with a GlusterFS storage cluster in two steps:

  • open the Change Environment Topology wizard, remove the appropriate storage node altogether, and Apply changes remove initial storage node

  • access topology wizard once more and add Shared Storage node with the Auto-Clustering option enabled add GlusterFS cluster

8. Return data from the temporary storage server in the Extra layer to a new Shared Storage cluster with GlusterFS support.

Repeat the 3-7 steps, using the temporary storage as source and master node of the GlusterFS cluster as target.

mount GlusterFS cluster

9. Remove the temporary storage from the Extra layer.

remove temporary storage node

That’s all! Now, you have a GlusterFS cluster instead of the standalone storage node.

What’s next?