WordPress Backups

Virtuozzo Application Platform for WordPress provides a fully automated backup solution (based on the Restic software) for all the supported topologies. The platform lets you set up the process based on your needs via a clear and intuitive user interface.

Tip: Refer to the linked section if you are interested in the backup process flow and specifics.

The order of operation is the following:

  • install preferred backup storage (via the account settings)
  • set up the backup settings for the required WordPress instance (via the dedicated project settings)
  • manage backup and restore processes via dedicated UI

Let’s go through the required steps in detail:

1. Log in to your Virtuozzo Application Platform for WordPress account and go to the System Settings in the top-right corner.

account system settings

2. Switch to the Backup Storage section and click the Add Backup button to create new storage. Within the opened dialog, provide the following data:

  • select the preferred backup storage option (tick the checkbox next to the name)
  • if needed, enable annual and auto pay options
  • set the number of storage nodes
  • Provide the display name and domain
  • choose the required region (if available)

add backup storage

Click Add when ready. Your new storage product will be created in a few minutes.

3. Next, select the project you want to back up and click Settings (gear icon) in the top-right corner.

project settings

4. Go to the Backup Storage section and configure the backups schedule using the pre-defined, custom, or crontab tabs. Then, select the backup storage added earlier and set a number of the latest backups to keep.

configure backups

Click Install to apply.

5. That’s all. In a minute, you’ll see successfully configured backups. Use the buttons at the bottom to:

  • Configure – adjust the schedule, storage node, and quantity of backups to store
  • Backup Now – create an immediate backup
  • Restore – restore from backup (choose the project and required backup in the pop-up)
  • Delete – remove the backup solution for the project

manage backups

Backup Process Specifics

Below, you can find information on the backup and restoration processes flow and specifics:

  • the backup storage node is mounted to the WordPress instances only during the backup and restore processes (and unmounted afterward)
  • during the backup operation, the Restic creates a snapshot that includes data from the /var/www/webroot/ROOT folder and the full database dump (made with the mysqldump utility)
  • backups on the storage node have timestamps to make them easier to manage during restoration; also, snapshots are automatically rotated based on the backup number configured by the user - only the specified number of the latest backups is kept
  • during the backup operation, the following directories are connected:
    • on the backup storage node - all the backups are stored under the /data folder (every environment has its own subdirectory - /data/${env.name})
    • on the compute node (application server) layer - the /opt/backup/ directory is used for backups
  • during the restoration operation, the following directories are connected:
    • on the backup storage node - the /data/${env.name} directory with backups of the appropriate environment
    • on the compute node (application server) layer - the /tmp/restore directory is used to store initially restored data
  • once data from the snapshot is restored to the application server, the corresponding environment is temporarily stopped to perform database restoration and webroot folder substitution

What’s next?