Parameters for CreateEnvironment API

Creation of a new environment at the platform can be automated in a variety of different ways, e.g. with the help of platform CLI, through the direct API request or by declaring the appropriate parameters via JPS manifest. Herewith, though representing a rather simple operation, it can include a bunch of different parameters for the precise topology definition.

Thus, below we provide the description for all of such settings with the examples on their usage via CLI. They are divided into 3 major sections as arrays of the ~/jelastic/environment/control/createenvironment method, being named according to the appropriate arrays' denominations - two common ones and listing of the specialized parameters for the Docker containers' creation:

Common Environment Configurations

The parameters below are to be specified within the env array (of either CLI command or JSON file) and define the most common environment configurations, like programming language, name, region and others:

NameDescriptionTypeExample ValueMandatory
regionEnvironment regionstringName of the required region - depends on hosting service provider
ishaenabledHigh Availabilitybooleantrue, false
Note: Applicable only for Tomcat 6/7, Jetty6, TomEE, GlassFish3
engineProgramming language versionstringjava6, java7, java8, php5.3, php5.4, php5.5, etc.yes (except of Docker-based environments)
displayNameEnvironment aliasstringmy-env-aliasno
sslstateBuilt-In SSLbooleantrue, falseno
shortdomainName for the environment to be createdstringmy-cli-envyes


env '{"region": "default_hn_group", "ishaenabled": "false", "engine": "java7", "displayName": "my-env-alias", "sslstate": "true", "shortdomain": "my-cli-env"}'

Nodes Configurations

Within the nodes section, more subtle adjustment can be set to define the comprised servers' parameters, like their type, amount, number of allocated reserved/dynamic cloudlets and more:

NameDescriptionTypeExample ValueMandatory
extipPublic IPbooleantrue, falseno
countNumber of nodesinteger1, 2, 3, …no
fixedCloudletsNumber of fixed cloudletsinteger1, 2, 3, …yes
flexibleCloudletsNumber of flexible cloudletsinteger1, 2, 3, … but can not be less than fixedCloudletsyes
displayNameNode’s alias namestringmy-node-aliasno
nodeTypeType of the stackstringdocker, tomcat6, tomcat7, tomee, mysql5, apache2, nginxphp, etc. (see the full list of available values here)yes
dockerList of Docker container settingsarraycheck the corresponding section belowonly for docker nodeType


nodes '[{"extip": "true", "count": "2", "fixedCloudlets": "16", "flexibleCloudlets": "32", "displayName": "my-node-alias", "nodeType": "docker", "docker": {...}}]'

Docker-Based Environment Configurations

The docker subsection is intended to state the specialized Docker container parameters, required for its deployment.

NameDescriptionTypeExample ValueMandatory
cmdRun command configurationstringrun.shno
imageDocker image name with a tag version (optionally)stringubuntu, tutum/apache-php, jelastic/tomcat8:latest, etc.yes
nodeGroupEnvironment layer the image should be placed tostringcp - application server
bl - load balancer
nosqldb - noSQL database
sqldb - SQl database
cache - cache node
storage - storage node
no (if not specified, an image will be added to the Extra layer)
linksLinking parametersarraydescribed within the expandable list belowno
envThe list of environment variablesobjectdescribed within the expandable list belowno
registryCredentials for the private registryarraydescribed within the expandable list belowno
volumesList of local volumesarraydescribed within the expandable list belowno
volumeMountsList of mounted data directoriesarraydescribed within the expandable list belowno
volumesFromList of nodes to copy the volume settings fromarraydescribed within the expandable list belowno


"docker": {"cmd": "", "image": "jelastic/tomcat8:latest", "nodeGroup": "cp", "links": [...], "env": {...}, "registry": {...}, "volumes": [...], "volumeMounts": {...}, "volumesFrom": [{...}]}
  • linking configuration - for establishing connection between Docker containers in confines of a single environment
  • environment variables configuration - for stating environment variables in Docker containers
  • registry configuration - for connection to private registry
  • local volumes - list of volumes to be created within local file system of Docker container
  • mount points - set of parameters that define folder(s) with required data to be attached from other servers
  • account volumes - list of nodes at the current account for the volumes to be imported from

What’s next?