Setting Up Multiple Domains with Public IP

The Benefits of Having Multiple Domains

  • Usability

One of the main benefits of having multiple domain names is that it gives you multiple points of entry: this can be useful if, for example, you want different domains leading to differently themed sites for different marketing campaigns or user experiences.

  • Cost Saving

Another benefit that you can take advantage of is the ability to have more than one domain running on a single environment. For example, you can have two different applications with two different domains running on a single Tomcat instance.

Setting Up Multiple Domains

In order to use a domain name for your application, you need to register it or have administrative access to it.

1. Log into the PaaS account.

2. While in the platform dashboard, click the Create environment button:

create environment

3. In the Environment Topology dialog, pick your application server (for example, Tomcat), switch on Public IPv4 for your server and type your environment name, for example, multibinding.

environment wizard

In a minute your environment with Tomcat will be successfully created.

environment for multi domains

4. Bind your domain names to the Tomcat’s Public IP address, which you can find in the drop-down list for the server. The binding procedure depends on the hosting company, where you bought domains.

server public IP

5. Upload your war files/file to the Deployment manager and deploy them to different contexts.

applications deployed

6. Click on Config button for Tomcat.

Tomcat config

7. Navigate to server.xml file (server directory) and set the configuration for host multiple domains (add Host tags for each domain you want to host).

For example:

<Host name="" appBase="webapps/firstdomain">
<Context path="" docBase="."/>

<Host name="" appBase="webapps/seconddomain">
<Context path="" docBase="."/>

<Host name="" appBase="webapps/thirddomain">
<Context path="" docBase="."/>

Tomcat server xml

8. Save the changes and Restart Tomcat.

9. Now you can check the results. You application/s will be available through the specified domain names.

first domain

second domain

third domain

Note: If you want to redeploy an application to the Tomcat instance with already configured server.xml, you need to comment < Host > block before redeploying and uncomment it afterwards.

What’s next?