Virtuozzo Application Platform 6.0.5

This document is preliminary and subject to change.

In this document, you will find all of the new features, enhancements and visible changes included to the PaaS 6.0.5 release.

Beta Label Removal for MongoDB/PostgreSQL Auto-Clustering

Removed the beta label for the MongoDB and PostgreSQL auto-clusteringLearn more

Software Stack Versions

Actualized list of supported OS templates and software stack versionsLearn more

Fixes Compatible with Prior Versions

Bug fixes implemented in the current release and integrated to the previous platform versions through the appropriate patchesLearn more

Bug Fixes

List of fixes applied to the platform starting from the current releaseLearn more

Beta Label Removal for MongoDB/PostgreSQL Auto-Clustering

the platform’s Auto-Clustering feature helps users automatically set up a production-ready cluster for some of the most popular software stacks. Such an option has been provided for MongoDB and PostgreSQL databases for quite some time and receives positive feedback without any major issues. As a result, starting with the present 6.0.5 PaaS release, we are removing the “beta” UI label next to the Auto-Clustering option for these stacks.

MongoDB auto-clustering

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Fixes Compatible with Prior Versions

Below, you can find the fixes that were implemented in the PaaS 6.0.5 release and also integrated into previous platform versions by means of the appropriate patches.

PaaS 6.0.5
#Compatible fromDescription
JE-569793.3Cyclos 4.14 and higher should be installed based on the Java 11 engine due to the updated requirements of the application
JE-575553.3An error occurs when trying to update the New Relic add-on on the PHP environment
JE-584493.3An error occurs when installing GitBlit from the Marketplace
JE-494025.0.5The “504 application down” error occurs after deployment for some Apache Ruby server versions
JE-579455.3.2The WildFly service is not added to the chkconfig config
JE-520355.7The Node-RED Dev installation from Marketplace should be restricted on accounts without endpoints permissions
JE-582755.7The Rocket.Chat installation must be restricted for accounts with less than three nodes allowed per layer

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Software Stack Versions

The software stack provisioning process is independent of the platform release, which allows new software solutions to be delivered as soon as they are ready. However, due to the necessity to adapt and test new stack versions, there is a small delay between software release by its respective upstream maintainer and integration into the platform.

The most accurate and up-to-date list of the certified software stack versions can be found on the dedicated documentation page.

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Bug Fixes

In the table below, you can see the list of bug fixes applied to the platform starting from PaaS 6.0.5 release:

PaaS 6.0.5
#Affected VersionsDescription
JE-52815-An error occurs when creating a new environment
JE-57847-Containers become inaccessible after unsuccessful firewall rules loading
JE-582596.0An error occurs when redeploying Ubuntu-based images
JE-583096.0OOM killer alerts should be enabled on containers by default
JE-58374-The multi-select field is displayed incorrectly within the showIf block for Cloud Scripting
JE-58400-Email notification about OOM killer alert is not sent for custom Docker containers
JE-58484-Default values should be restored for the Cloud Scripting setting if the appropriate element becomes hidden on UI
JE-58537anyThe High-Availability and Auto-Clustering features can be enabled simultaneously for Tomcat/TomEE

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