Virtuozzo Application Platform 6.1.2

This document is preliminary and subject to change.

In this document, you will find all of the new features, enhancements and visible changes included to the PaaS 6.1.2 release.

Ubuntu 21 OS Template Support

Implemented support for the Ubuntu 21 OS templateLearn more

Deprecated Password Authentication for Git

Added notification about the necessity to use personal access tokens during the Git deploy operationsLearn more

Software Stack Versions

Actualized list of supported OS templates and software stack versionsLearn more

Fixes Compatible with Prior Versions

Bug fixes implemented in the current release and integrated into the previous platform versions through the appropriate patchesLearn more

Ubuntu 21 OS Template Support

The platform implements support for the Ubuntu 21 OS templates on all the PaaS installations regardless of the platform version. The new release offers an updated kernel, toolchain upgrades, security improvements, and more. For detailed information on Ubuntu 21, refer to the official release notes.

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Deprecated Password Authentication for Git

Due to a recent security update, password-based authentication for Git operations is no longer supported. In order to meet the new security requirements, token-based authentication is now mandatory (SSH keys can be used as well). Starting with the PaaS 6.1.2 release, if you still try to use password authentication for Git deploy operations, a dedicated notification will inform you of the necessity to switch to the personal access tokens.

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Fixes Compatible with Prior Versions

Below, you can find the fixes that were implemented in the PaaS 6.1.2 release and also integrated into previous platform versions by means of the appropriate patches.

PaaS 6.1.2
#Compatible fromDescription
JE-57809anyAn error occurs when trying to install the Jira application from the Marketplace
JE-578623.3The Mattermost application is not working after the container redeploy
JE-585463.3An incorrect admin panel URL is provided for the PrestaShop application in the after-installation window and email
JE-587633.3Time zone is restored to the default value after redeploying an environments with the TimeZone add-on
JE-593313.3Incorrect regex for parsing acme logs in the Let’s Encrypt add-on
JE-594413.3An error occurs when trying to deploy the New Relic APM add-on on the LLSMP application server
JE-516285.0.5An error occurs when enabling the extension on the PHP application servers
JE-586545.0.5An error occurs when creating the MySQL / MariaDB cluster
JE-588195.0.5The binlog_expire_logs_seconds option is missing in the MySQL node configs
JE-591795.0.5An error occurs when trying to create MySQL 5.7.34 node
JE-592615.0.5An error occurs when configuring the MySQL / MariaDB auto-cluster
JE-593895.0.5An error occurs when resetting a password on the MySQL / MariaDB cluster
JE-595205.0.5An error occurs when trying to stop or restart a Varnish node with the removed file
JE-594435.7An error occurs during the Multi-Region WordPress Cluster installation
JE-594965.7An error occurs when creating an environment with the Ubuntu VPS node
JE-595095.8An error occurs when simultaneously scaling vertically and horizontally the Tomcat / TomEE cluster
JE-592765.9.2The Git-Push-Deploy add-on installation fails if the repository URL is provided without “.git” at the end

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Software Stack Versions

The software stack provisioning process is independent of the platform release, which allows new software solutions to be delivered as soon as they are ready. However, due to the necessity to adapt and test new stack versions, there is a small delay between software release by its respective upstream maintainer and integration into the platform.

The most accurate and up-to-date list of the certified software stack versions can be found on the dedicated documentation page.

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