Virtuozzo Application Platform 7.0

This document is preliminary and subject to change.

In this document, you will find all of the new features, enhancements and visible changes included to the PaaS 7.0 release.

Extended Account Collaboration

Reworked the account collaboration feature to provide better flexibility and cover more use casesLearn more

API Changes

Listed all the changes to the public platform API in the current releaseLearn more

Software Stack Versions

Actualized list of supported OS templates and software stack versionsLearn more

Fixes Compatible with Prior Versions

Bug fixes implemented in the current release and integrated into the previous platform versions through the appropriate patchesLearn more

Bug Fixes

List of fixes applied to the platform starting from the current releaseLearn more

Extended Account Collaboration

The platform’s account collaboration feature is a powerful tool that allows multiple users to work on the same project. The core idea is straightforward - you can share your environment with other accounts on the platform. Additionally, different permissions can be provided to the collaboration members to cover various use cases.

In the current 7.0 upgrade, the feature received a major rework, mainly focusing on extending its flexibility. Two focal points are roles and policies mechanics for advanced permission management and integration with environment groups to better organize shared components. All the features are wrapped in a new comprehensive UI:

  • Shared by Me - collaboration options for the primary account, it has three tabs:
    • Members - manages a list of collaboration members (invite new users, suspend or remove existing ones, customize shared environments, groups, roles, etc.)
    • Roles - configures custom roles (a combination of policies) that create the required range of actions
    • Policies - lists actions (specific operations) that can be included in a role
  • Shared with Me - options for the collaboration member (accept/reject the invitation, view roles and policies, leave collaboration, etc.)

account collaboration

The new collaboration flow remains the same in principle but much more configurable in detail. In general, the primary account still sends a collaboration invite, and the user can accept it. However, instead of the two predefined collaboration roles (admin and viewer), you can manually create as many roles with different permissions as you need. Also, in addition to the ability to share separate environments, it is now possible to share environment groups, which can help organize things on the primary account in a much easier and clearer way.

You can find information on even more changes to the collaboration feature (ability to temporarily suspend collaboration, role assigning algorithm, direct environment sharing, etc.) in the dedicated documentation:

Note: During the upgrade, the platform automatically generates configurations equivalent to the existing collaboration setup (if any) so that existing collaborations may continue their work as usual.

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API Changes

Below, you can find a list of all changes to the public API in the 7.0 platform version (compared to the preceding 6.3 ones):

  • in the users namespace:
    • added a new collaboration service
    • removed methods from the account service: SetLinkedUserDisplayName, SetOwnerUserDisplayName, ConfirmLinkRequest, UnlinkLinkedUser, UnlinkOwnerUser, GetLinkedUsers, GetOwnerUsers, GetLinkedUsersByLogin, GetOwnerUsersByLogin, GetPayerQuotas, HazelcastPartitionsTest, LinkUsers, SetLinkedUserRole, SetLinkedUserDisplayName, SetOwnerUserDisplayName, ConfirmLinkRequest, UnlinkLinkedUser, UnlinkOwnerUser, GetLinkedUsers, GetOwnerUsers, SendLinkRequest, LinkUsersInner
  • in the marketplace namespace:
    • added new favorite, installation, and app services
    • added the GetAppInfo and GetAppSettings methods to the jps service
    • removed the AttachAddon and DetachAddon methods from the jps service
    • added ReadLog and ClearLog methods to the console service
  • in the environment > control service:
    • added new GetSSHAccessInfo, GetEndpoints, and Exports methods
    • added the ownerUid optional parameter for the CreateEnvironment, GetTemplates, and GetEnvs methods
    • added the envGroups optional parameter for the CreateEnvironment method
    • merged the envGroup parameter with the envGroups one and made mandatory for the AttachEnvGroup, DetachEnvGroup, and SetEnvGroup methods
    • added the lazy optional parameter for the GetEnvInfo method
  • in the environment > group service:
    • added new SetEnv and SetIsolationEnabled methods
    • added the ownerUid optional parameter for the AttachEnv, DetachEnv, CreateGroup, EditGroup, RemoveGroup, and GetGroups methods
    • merged the envGroup parameter with the envGroups one and made mandatory for the AttachEnv, and DetachEnv methods
    • added the targetAppid optional parameter for the GetGroups method
  • added a new environment > export service
  • added new methods to the environment > trigger service: AddAutoScalingTrigger, EditAutoScalingTrigger, SetAutoScalingTriggerEnabled, GetAutoScalingTriggers, DeleteAutoScalingTrigger, AutoScalingHistory, AddLoadAlertTrigger, EditLoadAlertTrigger, SetLoadAlertTriggerEnabled, GetLoadAlertTriggers, DeleteLoadAlertTrigger, LoadAlertHistory

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Fixes Compatible with Prior Versions

Below, you can find the fixes that were implemented in the PaaS 7.0 release and also integrated into previous platform versions by means of the appropriate patches.

PaaS 7.0
#Compatible fromDescription
JE-550313.3The Eclipse Che package installation should be restricted on accounts with insufficient quotas
JE-556473.3An error occurs when creating the Docker CE package from the Marketplace with the “connect to Swarm” option
JE-577113.3IPv4 is attached during the Let’s Encrypt add-on installation when IPv6 is already present
JE-597343.3Mixed content error for the Cyclos 4 Cluster package after enabling SSL
JE-598583.3Incorrect permissions after the Fail2Ban add-on installation
JE-601543.3An error occurs when installing the Odoo CE 9/10 package from the Marketplace
JE-601863.3Incorrect HTTPS redirect behavior after installing Let’s Encrypt add-on with invalid custom domain
JE-604103.3Errors in logs after the Odoo CE creation
JE-605493.3The DjangoCMS package from the Marketplace does not work after redeploying application server nodes
JE-607253.3The New Relic add-on does not work after redeploying the node
JE-614683.3The Odoo package from the Marketplace does not work after restarting the environment
JE-540425.0.5Errors in logs after the WildFly Cluster creation
JE-611905.0.5An error occurs when installing the PgAdmin4 from the JPS Collection repository
JE-470385.3.2Magento Cluster automatic horizontal scaling should be based on the CPU triggers
JE-591225.3.2An error occurs when undeploying an application on the WildFly node after detaching a public IP
JE-603995.4The manifest ID is missing for the Magento package in the Marketplace
JE-558685.7The libsodium extension is missing on nodes after the Magento Cluster installation
JE-598305.7.4Smart memory auto-configuration is not applied to the LLSMP stack after decreasing the number of cloudlets
JE-598825.7.4The WAF setting is not adjusted according to the same-named variable on the LiteSpeed server
JE-609436.0An error occurs when creating WordPress Cluster with PHP 8.1
JE-611866.0An error occurs when creating WordPress Multiregional with PHP 8.1

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Software Stack Versions

The software stack provisioning process is independent of the platform release, which allows new software solutions to be delivered as soon as they are ready. However, due to the necessity to adapt and test new stack versions, there is a small delay between software release by its respective upstream maintainer and integration into the platform.

The most accurate and up-to-date list of the certified software stack versions can be found on the dedicated documentation page.

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Bug Fixes

In the table below, you can see the list of bug fixes applied to the platform starting from PaaS 7.0 release:

PaaS 7.0
#Affected VersionsDescription
JE-151882.0Unclear error message when several collaborators simultaneously remove the same context
JE-203643.1An error occurs when a collaborator tries to delete a manifest of the exported environment
JE-203653.1An error occurs when a collaborator tries to download a manifest of the exported environment
JE-21912-Email records cannot be edited or removed after sharing environments
JE-330815.2An environment status is not updating when a collaboration user is selected in settings
JE-33988-Collaborators can create mounts from the shared environments
JE-368175.2Some changes are missing when several collaborators are managing an environment simultaneously
JE-368405.0.5An error occurs when a collaborator tries to add an endpoint to the shared environment
JE-377005.4Collaborators can add shared environments to personal environment groups
JE-377045.4Incorrect pop-up notification is displayed in the dashboard when a collaborator deploys a project via Maven
JE-391505.4Collaborator with the Viewer access can edit /etc/exports on the Shared Storage node
JE-44203-Some dashboard icons are missing for the collaborators with the Viewer access
JE-449815.5.4New environment creation should be restricted for collaborators if the maximum number of allowed environments is reached on the target account
JE-45277-When several different invitations are sent, only environments from one invitation are available for the collaborator
JE-467385.6.9An error occurs when a collaborator tries to add an endpoint to the shared environment
JE-47077-An error occurs when trying to add yourself as a collaborator
JE-47133-Some links to documentation are absent in the dashboard for collaborators with the Viewer access
JE-47563-Collaborators cannot create an environment with built-in SSL when the primary account has the appropriate permissions
JE-47812-An error occurs when a collaborator tries to delete the environment of the inactive owner
JE-48393-Incorrect validation in the Branch field when deploying from Git
JE-48868-When a collaborator installs complex packages, some emails are not sent to the environment owner
JE-48936-An error occurs when an owner tries to download or delete the manifest of the environment exported by a collaborator
JE-49291-Collaborators cannot create environments in regions available for the owner only
JE-504675.7Collaborators cannot manage built-in SSL on the shared environments if the appropriate permission is not available (but enabled for the primary account)
JE-505965.7Collaboration permissions are not updated till the dashboard reload
JE-506005.7An error occurs when simultaneously sharing the environment and changing its owner to the same user
JE-507545.7An error occurs when several collaborators try to delete the same domain simultaneously
JE-507555.7The list of bound domains is only updated on the dashboard reload for collaborators
JE-509885.7An error occurs when several collaborators simultaneously delete the same public IP
JE-509905.7An error occurs when a collaborator with the Viewer access tries to swap domains for shared environments
JE-519335.7When sharing environments shared with you, they are not displayed in the Shared by Me tab
JE-521365.7The environment owner cannot change the permissions of the sub-collaborators
JE-52487-The sshd process is not starting on the alpine-based containers after the restart
JE-52595-An error occurs when a collaborator tries to remove the add-on installed by the owner
JE-52781-Active tasks are not displayed for the owner when a collaborator installs an environment with auto-clustering
JE-52784-The collaborators cannot see actions (in the Tasks manager) performed by the owner
JE-527895.8.2A hint with an email address of the action initiator is not displayed for collaborators in the Tasks panel upon hovering over
JE-54012-Collaborators cannot filter by regions of the shared environments if these regions are not available for them
JE-55002-The platform welcome tutorial is not displayed for the new uses registered through the collaboration invite email
JE-55004-Not all environment settings are displayed for the collaborators with the Viewer access
JE-55046-Incorrect behavior when trying to share environments to the account that recently left the collaboration
JE-57413-The environment topology wizard is not opening for the owner after recent topology changes made by the collaborator
JE-57451-A user is absent in the environment owner selection list if that account cannot have more environments
JE-57452-The notification about the inability to create an environment on the selected account should disappear when switching to a different user
JE-57910-The “empty package” error appears during the archive deployment, but the application is deployed successfully
JE-57969-K8s Cluster environment is stuck in the “Applying settings” status when adding a Shared Storage node via add-on
JE-58087-An error occurs during the “aftercreate” configuration of the custom Dockers based on the Debian and Ubuntu OS templates
JE-584565.7.6The built-in Web SSH client in the dashboard is not working for the custom Dockers based on the Alpine OS template
JE-58527-Collaborators' changes to the shared environment topology are reverted if managed simultaneously with the owner
JE-58816anyAn error occurs when a collaborator tries to enable a firewall for the shared environment (but the owner does not have the required permissions)
JE-58906-Collaborator email address is not displayed in the Tasks panel upon hovering over
JE-592026.1An error occurs when a user with a disabled Docker tab tries to add nodes from extra services in the wizard
JE-592076.0The email address of the environment owner is not displayed in the topology wizard for collaborators with the Viewer access
JE-59397-An error occurs if bashrc returns the additional output
JE-59405-An error occurs when a collaborator tries to add a Windows VM node to the shared environment
JE-59450-An error occurs when accepting a collaboration invite while already logged in as a different account
JE-60841-An error occurs when trying to connect to the alpine-based container via SSH
JE-60852-The dead unfsd service appears after mounting a folder on the Apache instance in the application server layer
JE-60882-An error occurs when connecting to the alpine-based container via SSH over IPv6
JE-60991-An error occurs when trying to open the SFTP / Direct SSH Access tab from the node settings in the dashboard
JE-61062-An error occurs when a collaborator tries to clone a shared environment of the deactivated user
JE-61063-An error occurs when a collaborator tries to adjust auto horizontal scaling rules of the shared environment of the deactivated user
JE-61089-An error occurs when a collaborator tries to deploy a Java project with the Maven build node

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