Virtuozzo Application Platform 7.1

This document is preliminary and subject to change.

In this document, you will find all of the new features, enhancements and visible changes included to the PaaS 7.1 release.

Send Message API with IP Authorization

Added two new API methods that can send email notification to container owner using IP authorization (without user session)Learn more

Info for Environment Clone Dialog

Added notification to the Clone Environment dialog that manual adjustment may be needed due to IP addresses and hostnames changesLearn more

API Changes

Listed all the changes to the public platform API in the current releaseLearn more

Software Stack Versions

Actualized list of supported OS templates and software stack versionsLearn more

Fixes Compatible with Prior Versions

Bug fixes implemented in the current release and integrated into the previous platform versions through the appropriate patchesLearn more

Bug Fixes

List of fixes applied to the platform starting from the current releaseLearn more

Send Message API with IP Authorization

In the current 7.1 PaaS release, two new API methods were implemented for sending email notifications from the container to its owner. These methods provide automatic authentication based on the container IP address so that user session (password and login) is not required. Such implementation significantly simplifies notification of the container owner based on the events inside the node, which allows automating various scenarios that previously were difficult in realization.

Both new methods are part of the environment > node service:

  • SendEvent - sends a predefined event using IP authorization
    • eventName - the name of the required event; currently, the following values are supported:
      • SEND_NOTIFICATION - sends an email notification to the node owner
      • OOM_KILLER - sends a message after OOM Killer invocation
      • CUSTOM_NODE_EVENT - a user-defined custom event
    • params - JSON object with parameters for Cloud Scripting
  • SendNotification - sends an email notification to the node owner using IP authorization
    • name - title of the message
    • message - body of the message

The platform already utilizes these new methods to provide proper notification about changes in containers - for example, automatic notifications due to smart recovery after the OOM error. Developers can benefit from the implementation by extending their custom packages with automatic notification of the container owner based on some specific condition.

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Info for Environment Clone Dialog

The Clone Environment is a powerful platform feature that allows you to create an identical copy of the existing environment. For example, it can be helpful during development to create a separate instance of the project where tuning and adjustments can be safely tested without affecting existing customers. However, when utilizing the feature, users should be aware that the IP addresses and hostnames of the clone will differ from the initial environment (i.e. manual re-adjustment of these values may be required). To ensure better awareness of the fact, such information was added to the Clone Environment dialog.


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API Changes

Below, you can find a list of all changes to the public API in the 7.1 platform version (compared to the preceding 7.0 ones).

Two new API methods were added to the environment > node service, implementing a simplified flow to notify the container owner (using IP authorization instead of user session):

  • SendEvent - sends a predefined notification based on the specific event inside a container
  • SendNotification - sends a custom email notification to the node owner

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Fixes Compatible with Prior Versions

Below, you can find the fixes that were implemented in the PaaS 7.1 release and also integrated into previous platform versions by means of the appropriate patches.

PaaS 7.1
#Compatible fromDescription
JE-46279anyAn error occurs when installing the Minio Cluster package from the Marketplace
JE-57935anyErrors and warnings during the LiteSpeed and LLSMP stacks restart are displayed incorrectly
JE-58694anyWhen using the prepackaged Jitsi application, all users are disconnected upon any user being kicked or if the moderator leaves
JE-58696anyWhen using the prepackaged Jitsi application, audio and video are not working in conferences with multiple users
JE-61742anyAn error occurs when installing the IOTA Nodes application
JE-598973.3An error occurs when installing the Liferay prepackaged application from the Marketplace
JE-606853.3The prepackaged Odoo application is down after the application server restart
JE-618793.3An error occurs when installing the BitNinja add-on on the LEMP stack
JE-618873.3Credentials are displayed in one line in the success pop-up for the IOTA Nodes application
JE-619513.3The BitNinja add-on is not supported on some templates
JE-602725.0An error occurs when installing the JMeter JPS package
JE-613345.0Incorrect credentials are sent via email for the OpenVPN application from the Marketplace
JE-462945.0.5The Elytron subsystem is unavailable on the WildFly nodes after creation
JE-472225.0.5The HTTP/2 is not supported on some versions of the Apache PHP application servers
JE-482955.0.5The /var/lib/jelastic/backup directory is missing on the MongoDB database containers
JE-495775.0.5The yum install command is not working on the MongoDB database containers
JE-497625.0.5Errors in logs after restarting the MongoDB database containers
JE-500645.0.5The Let’s Encrypt add-on installation breaks symlinks in the Python application servers
JE-501305.0.5The Node.js restart hangs if called during the add project operation
JE-504135.0.5Incorrect response for the jem service start/stop/restart/reload commands on the VPS nodes
JE-504635.0.5Incorrect template version in the metainf.conf file for the NGINX PHP servers
JE-504725.0.5Incorrect path for the backup shortcut on the MongoDB nodes
JE-506335.0.5Empty template version in the metainf.conf file for the Percona servers
JE-507095.0.5The JavaEngine server based on OpenJDK 14 is down after deploying an application
JE-508905.0.5Warnings about the deprecated ssl directive are present in the NGINX load balancer logs
JE-509355.0.5Incorrect access permissions to the /var/log/redis/redis.log file on the PHP-based application servers
JE-520645.0.5Incorrect regex for deleting upstreams from load balances
JE-521605.0.5GlusterFS cluster is not operable after downgrading (redeploying to a lower version)
JE-532785.0.5Jetty servers are not accessible after installing the Let’s Encrypt add-on
JE-557255.0.5Incorrect permissions for the /usr/java directory on the JavaEngine stack with the Dragonwell JDK
JE-565705.0.5Invalid mbstring module configuration options in the php.ini file
JE-567055.0.5Incorrect error message for the unsuccessful Storage node restart
JE-569275.0.5An error occurs when installing the GitLab package from the Marketplace
JE-570135.0.5The /var/log/haproxy/haproxy.log file is not rotated via logrotate on the HAProxy stack
JE-574685.0.5An error occurs when disabling SSL on the Varnish stack
JE-577645.0.5An error occurs when adding new nodes to the MySQL cluster
JE-579945.0.5The Ruby application is down if installing Let’s Encrypt after removing the FTP add-on
JE-583265.0.5An error occurs when deploying an application on the GlassFish stack
JE-587335.0.5The btmp and wtmp files are not rotated via logrotate on the CentOS VPS stack
JE-593965.0.5Incorrect repository details on the NGINX PHP stacks
JE-599145.0.5The “cannot change locale” error occurs when connecting to the node via the SSH gate
JE-600165.0.5Custom SSL is unavailable on the Varnish nodes after redeploy
JE-604465.0.5Password information is missing in the email for the cloned PostgreSQL Cluster environment
JE-606625.0.5Incorrect permissions for the /etc/logrotate.d/nginx file on the NGINX load balancer stack
JE-618075.0.5An error occurs when deploying an application to the Apache Ruby stack
JE-529875.3.2Some instances of the WildFly auto-cluster clone are broken
JE-529905.3.2Removed worker instances are displayed in the WildFly DAS node
JE-537225.3.2Auto-clustering is not properly removed when deleting all WildFly nodes from the topology
JE-544545.3.2An error occurs when undeploying application from WildFly Cluster after removing the public IP address
JE-554185.3.2The WildFly application is down when enabling auto-clustering after redeployment from the old version to the one with the feature support.
JE-578725.3.2An error occurs when restarting WildFly nodes after adjusting the STANDALONE_MODE_CONFIG variable
JE-606915.3.2An error occurs when installing the WildFly Cluster prepackaged solution from the Marketplace
JE-616055.3.2An error occurs when deploying an application to the WildFly stack with JDK 17
JE-619595.4An error occurs when installing the MySQL Cluster package from the Marketplace
JE-519725.5Payara Cluster servers are down after restarting the environment
JE-523375.7An error occurs when cloning an environment with the WildFly auto-cluster
JE-536105.7An error occurs if removing worker nodes while logged into the WildFly DAS admin panel
JE-536915.7After environment migration, instances are displayed as stopped or broken in the WildFly DAS admin panel
JE-545305.7The maximum number of environments on the account should be verified when installing the Magento Standalone package
JE-504275.7.2The 404 Not Found error is displayed for the LLSMP applications deployed to the non-root context
JE-508425.7.2Warnings in the phpMyAdmin panel for the LLSMP stack
JE-509245.7.2Errors in the admin panel after the LiteSpeed/LLSMP node creation
JE-511415.7.2The phpMyAdmin folder is not available via FTP on the LEMP/LLSMP nodes
JE-573375.7.2The firewall is not working on the LiteSpeed ADC stack
JE-556725.7.4The GlusterFS Replication add-on should not be removable after configuring GlusterFS Cluster
JE-577395.7.4LiteSpeed ADC admin panel is not available via IPv6
JE-585755.7.4The force_kill function works incorrectly on the LiteSpeed ADC stack
JE-621735.7.4An error occurs when installing the TimeZone add-on on the Ubuntu and Debian VPS stacks
JE-520655.8Two controller nodes are added to the Extra layer when creating WildFly auto-cluster via the topology wizard
JE-529885.8The dashboard should display a button to access the WildFly DAS admin panel on the layer level (not for a separate node)
JE-540905.8An error occurs when creating the WildFly auto-cluster
JE-561675.8An error occurs when installing the Jenkins instance via the topology wizard
JE-611695.8Unclear UI for the Elastic Beats add-on installation frame
JE-611705.8Errors in CS logs after the Elastic Beats add-on installation
JE-611775.8Incorrect permissions for the /etc/heartbeat folder after the Elastic Beats add-on installation
JE-618465.8After the Elastic Beats add-on deletion, the /etc/heartbeat folder is not entirely removed
JE-616417.0An error occurs when installing the CDN add-on
JE-617657.0If installed by a collaborator, the Open Liberty application is created without the Storage node

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Software Stack Versions

The software stack provisioning process is independent of the platform release, which allows new software solutions to be delivered as soon as they are ready. However, due to the necessity to adapt and test new stack versions, there is a small delay between software release by its respective upstream maintainer and integration into the platform.

The most accurate and up-to-date list of the certified software stack versions can be found on the dedicated documentation page.

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Bug Fixes

In the table below, you can see the list of bug fixes applied to the platform starting from PaaS 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 releases:

PaaS 7.1.1
#Affected VersionsDescription
JE-431245.5The disk IOPS value is not calculated on the containers
JE-45740-The sendmail application is not available in containers
JE-509645.8The redeploy operation should check for enough disk space inside the container
JE-511065.8Exports records and iptables rules are not removed when unmounting a folder with the “+” symbol in the path
JE-52664-The site cannot be reached after the FTP add-on installation on the GlassFish/Payara containers
JE-552345.9.4An error occurs when redeploying the Ubuntu VPS 10.04 container
JE-59950-An incorrect launcher is used for entrypoint commands in custom containers
JE-607196.3An error occurs when transferring an environment to a user outside of the collaboration
JE-607957.0An error occurs when transferring an environment to a user in a “pending acceptance” collaboration status
JE-61892-Invalid pgrep option error occurs when creating containers
JE-61942-An unhandled error occurs when deploying a damaged archive to the PHP environment
JE-621567.0Incorrect wizard behavior when adding a template that does not correspond with the selected layer
PaaS 7.1.2
#Affected VersionsDescription
JE-623787.0The “`” character is not properly escaped when defined in the container variables
JE-62393-Permissions issue when installing JPS to the owner account as a collaboration member

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