Virtuozzo Application Platform 8.2.2

This document is preliminary and subject to change.

In this document, you will find all of the new features, enhancements and visible changes included to the Virtuozzo PaaS 8.2.2 release.

Subscription Based Solutions

Implemented a native support of the subscription-based solutions with a fixed pricingLearn more

Refilling with 3DS Cards

Provided a notification that additional steps are required to complete an invoice if the selected payment method uses 3DSLearn more

API Changes

Listed all the changes to the public platform API in the current releaseLearn more

Software Stack Versions

Actualized list of supported OS templates and software stack versionsLearn more

Fixes Compatible with Prior Versions

Bug fixes implemented in the current release and integrated into the previous platform versions through the appropriate patchesLearn more

Bug Fixes

List of fixes applied to the platform starting from the current releaseLearn more

Subscription Based Solutions

The 8.2.2 version of the platform implements a native ability to offer products based on the subscription model. The flow is standard to the modern subscription services implementations – a one-time fee to get a designated product for a specified period. The solution gives you a fix-priced alternative to the default usage-based model.

Note: This feature availability depends on the particular hosting provider’s settings.

All the available subscriptions are available at the Marketplace under a new Subscription Plans section. Upon selecting, you’ll see several plans to choose from (e.g. offering a different quantity of resources, additional features, etc.). Click the Buy button for the preferred option to see the purchase dialog. You can pay monthly or annually, enable auto pay with your default payment method, and set the required number of product instances in your subscription.

get subscription plan

All the Subscriptions are added to the dedicated section in the account settings. Here, you can see all the relevant information on the subscriptions (including invoices), install/remove instances, and terminate the subscription.

dashboard subscriptions section

Due to the concept of subscriptions, some actions are restricted for the installed instances (e.g. topology adjustment or environment cloning). Read more about subscriptions in the dedicated Subscription-Based Product document.

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Refilling with 3DS Cards

3D Secure (3DS) protocol adds an extra layer of payment authentication for additional fraud protection during an online transaction. If used, the cardholder is asked to provide proof of identity by entering a unique password, an SMS code, or a temporary PIN. 3DS can be mandatory in some regions (e.g. Europe due to the Strong Customer Authentication regulation) and optional in others (but still can be used to reduce fraud).

When refilling the account balance using the saved payment method with the 3DS, the platform will provide an explicit notification that the invoice was created, but the transaction should be completed through additional external authentication.

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API Changes

Below, you can find a list of all changes to the public API in the 8.2.2 platform version (compared to the preceding 8.0.2 ones):

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Fixes Compatible with Prior Versions

Below, you can find the fixes that were implemented in the Virtuozzo Application Platform 8.2.2 release and also integrated into previous platform versions by means of the appropriate patches.

Virtuozzo Application Platform 8.2.2
#Compatible fromDescription
JE-64745anyAn error occurs when installing the Spring Boot Fat Jar Builder application package from the platform Marketplace
JE-64955anyAn error occurs when installing some WordPress plugins on the LiteSpeed and LLSMP servers
JE-65165anyThe “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” error occurs when accessing the admin panel for the WordPress Cluster based on the NGINX server
JE-648333.3An error occurs when installing the osTicket application package based on PHP 8.2 from the platform Marketplace
JE-523353.3An error occurs when deploying a stack on Docker Swarm from the YAML file that is not in the root directory
JE-588683.3All the “incorrect domain” errors for the Let’s Encrypt add-on should have the error coded
JE-605603.3Missing description for the Let’s Encrypt error related to network issues
JE-647943.3An error occurs when installing Eclipse Che from the ‘release candidate’ image version
JE-652243.3An error occurs when accessing the Jitsi application after installation from the platform Marketplace
JE-654523.3An error occurs when installing the Eclipse Che 7.0.0-RC-1.1 application version from the platform Marketplace
JE-655453.3An error occurs when accessing the IOTA application after installation from the platform Marketplace
JE-495075.0.5The httpd service fails on the Apache nodes if the pid file is missing during the container’s start/stop/restart
JE-591515.0.5Cloned LiteSpeed ADC balancer has backends from the original environment listed in the configs
JE-603255.0.5The workerProcesses value is not updated in the lslbd_config.xml file if changed via the add-on
JE-645295.0.5Access to the /home/jelastic home folder is not granted after the FTP add-on installation on the Spring Boot server
JE-653975.4The Varnish load balancer node is not started after the redeployment
JE-605535.7An error occurs when installing Multi-Regional WordPress Cluster
JE-614925.7.2The self-signed SSL certificate is not generated after the LiteSpeed ADC balancer creation
JE-590905.7.4The lsrestart.log file has an incorrect owner on the LiteSpeed and LLSMP servers
JE-594785.7.4Incorrect values in the /etc/jelastic/metainf.conf file on the LLSMP server
JE-595155.7.4The skip-networking option is missing when resetting the MariaDB password on the LEMP/LLSMP servers
JE-602115.7.4The license key registration attempts should be enumerated in LiteSpeed WS and ADC server logs
JE-606295.7.4An error occurs when reloading the LLSMP server with the ‘jem service reload’ command
JE-650205.8An error occurs when restoring from the WordPress backup after the backup storage node is changed
JE-655895.8An error occurs when accessing the Jenkins application after redeployment from the version based on Java 11 to Java 17

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Software Stack Versions

The software stack provisioning process is independent of the platform release, which allows new software solutions to be delivered as soon as they are ready. However, due to the necessity to adapt and test new stack versions, there is a small delay between software release by its respective upstream maintainer and integration into Virtuozzo Application Platform.

The most accurate and up-to-date list of the certified software stack versions can be found on the dedicated documentation page.

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Bug Fixes

In the table below, you can see the list of bug fixes applied to the platform starting from Virtuozzo Application Platform 8.2.2 release:

Virtuozzo Application Platform 8.2.2
#Affected VersionsDescription
JE-651708.2An error occurs when mounting files from some custom Docker containers
JE-65227-Errors are logged during projects auto-deploy on containers with enabled sendmail functionality
JE-65272-An error occurs when executing some commands that include a file download operation
JE-65325-Custom Docker containers cannot be created from images that use the OCI manifest schema
JE-65414-A scroll slider appears in the environment configuration settings panel even if there is enough space to fit the content
JE-65499-The shared files owner is changed to root when resetting a password for the FTP add-on on the Shared Storage node
JE-656257.2The URL_DOCS_OOM_KILLER_TROUBLESHOOTING placeholder is not replaced with a link in emails

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