The third quarter of 2016 has already passed, thus it’s a high time to make a summary and renew our software stacks & engines usage statistics. The report below is focused on analyzing popularity of programming languages and technologies among Jelastic Cloud developers during the last half of year:
- programming languages distribution
- engines popularity
- application servers popularity
- database servers
- Docker images top 10
A number of Jelastic partners is constantly growing, thus, this time, we’ve decided to present data in a new updated format for easier perception. From now on, we’ll rather focus on overall hosting trends, which, in most cases, correspond to the regional stacks rates with just a slight deviation. So, without any further hesitation, let’s proceed directly to the exact numbers!
Programming Languages Distribution
To start with, let's inspect the worldwide usage of programming languages supported by the Jelastic Cloud.
In the last months, Java gained the impressive popularity with 58% of choices, taking over PHP again (which got only 37% share among our users). The 3rd place was shared by Python and Node.js - 2% for each.
During the last 2 years, market share of the top players (Java and PHP) has generally remained unchanged. However, some deviations of their positions are rather notable - in the middle of 2015 PHP popularity has reached its peak and even overcame the usual leader. Nevertheless, subsequently user preferences have switched once again and for now the graphic shows a steady growth of Java popularity for the past year.
The rest of languages (i.e. Ruby, Python and Node.js) were not such demanded among Jelastic developers, but their usage dynamics seems to be rather smooth and stable, without any notable divergence.
Engines Popularity
Now let’s take a closer look at the engines versions preferences for each particular language, supported at Jelastic Cloud:
The main highlights we can admit within engine rates changes, comparing to the first quarter, are:
- increased popularity of Java 6 (which gained 11% more) and slight drop down in Java 8 preferences (minus 1%); apart from that, Java 7 still remains the top choice with 52% share
- PHP 5.4 has strengthened its position up to 64%, (showing 10% growth); as a result, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6 and PHP 5.3 all lost some score, holding ~10% share each now
- pretty good start of the newly added Ruby 2.3.x (7%) and enlarged Ruby 2.0.0 popularity (which gained another 8% of market) caused decrease of rates for other Ruby engines
- rather stable Python versions distribution, with barely any changes - Python 3.4 has just lost 4% in favor of Python 3.3 and Python 2.7, whilst the last one remains the undoubtable leader
- all provided Node.js engine versions were forced to make some room for the Node.js 5.x newcomer - it has grasped the 13% of total share from the start
Application Servers Popularity
As always, for the engines where several compute node types are available by default (i.e. Java, PHP and Ruby), we’ll consider the additional information on users application servers preferences.
Within the graphs above, you can notice the following deviations in app servers popularity:
- for Java - Tomcat 7 remains the most popular stack (with 74% of share); the next is Tomcat 8 (which grew up to 15%) and they are followed by GlassFish with its 7%
- for PHP - Apache leads over NGINX as usual (81% to 19% respectively)
- and the situation at Ruby market is opposite - NGINX was preferred in 89% of cases, leaving only 11% for Apache
Database Servers Popularity
Since the first quarter, MySQL has plus 4% and proved its leadership among DB servers with 69% score. MariaDB has lost 6% and holds only 10% now, whilst PostgreSQL popularity was increased by 4%, so it took over MariaDB with 16% rate.
MongoDB shows the steady 5% result during the last two quarters.
Top 10 Docker Images
To make our stack popularity analysis complete, below we present the list of Docker images, which appeared to be the mostly demanded at Jelastic hosting platforms within the considered period.
As you can see, the hottest Docker templates are sych74/pokemongo-map and dreadpiratejhonatan/pogom now. This clearly reflects that PokemonGo has gained extreme popularity worldwide, and Jelastic Cloud users just prove this fact.
Alongside, the ubuntu image holds the 3rd place, whilst the usually demanded mysql and postgres occupy 7th and 8th places respectively. This period newcomer jelastic/storage, as a result of the recently added Jelastic Storage Container feature, starts from 9th place (however, we are expecting for this image to gain more and more popularity among our users further).
Hosting technologies are constantly developing and we strive to keep in pace with such a rapid growth, providing our users with the most demanded tools for their management. Do not take it just on trust - create an account at any of our partner’s platform and experience this on your own.
Which technology do you personally prefer the most? Do you have any insights on what engine or service should be added to make Jelastic cloud hosting even more turnkey? Please share your thoughts within the comments below.