Thorntail Fat, Thin and Skinny Approach for Running Microservice Applications

| September 11, 2018 | DevOps PaaS | , , ,

wildfly swarmThorntail, originally WildFly Swarm, is the most suitable for packaging applications as JAR, WAR or EAR files. The most important value is in the functional agility the Thorntail provides. You can start with the stripped down version of Thorntail adding the required parts and application code on top.

Below we will describe how to build and deploy Thorntail based applications using Fat, Thin and Skinny approaches. The application will be packaged in the Jar/War format automatically with the help of Builder add-ons prepared by Jelastic. The topology will consist of Maven build node and JVM containers for running microservices.microservices

Thorntail Fat Jar Builder Installation

To get started, log in to Jelastic dashboard, find the Thorntail Fat Jar Builder in the Marketplace and click Install.wildfly swarm

Or you can import Thorntail Fat JPS manifest using GitHub link:

To do that, open the Import window, paste the link and confirm installation by clicking Import button in the opened window.maven java

If required, change installation settings such as environment name or GitHub repository link to a custom Thorntail Fat project. Then press Install.jar war file

When the installation and building of the project are completed, a corresponding message appears. You still need to wait a few minutes for deploy to be finished (feel free to track the process in Tasks panel). In the default implementation, it is done under api/greeting context.jar war file

Afterward, you can make sure, that application is up and running by pressing Open in browser button.wildfly swarm plugin

Thorntail Skinny Jar Builder Installation

Find the Thorntail (WildFly Swarm) Skinny Jar Builder in the Marketplace and click jar

Or import Thorntail (WildFly Swarm) Skinny JPS manifest using GitHub link: application

If required, change installation settings such as environment name or GitHub repository link to a custom Thorntail Skinny project. Then press jar

When the installation and building of the project are completed, a corresponding message appears. You still need to wait a few minutes for deploy to be finished (feel free to track the process in Tasks panel). In the default implementation, it is done under api/greeting context.wildfly swarm

Afterward, you can make sure, that application is up and running by pressing Open in browser jar

Thorntail Thin War Builder Installation

Find the Thorntail (WildFly Swarm) Thin War Builder in the Marketplace and click Install.thin jar

Or you can import Thorntail(WildFly Swarm) Thin JPS manifest using GitHub link: web application

If required, change installation settings such as environment name or GitHub repository link to a custom Thorntail Thin project. Then press Install.thin jar

When the installation and building of the project are completed, a corresponding message appears. You still need to wait a few minutes for deploy to be finished (feel free to track the process in Tasks panel). In the default implementation, it is done under api/greeting context.maven app

Afterward, you can make sure, that application is up and running by pressing Open in browser war

Multiple Thorntail Projects with Microservices

You can use just created Maven node for building extra projects and deploying them to different environments to get a set of distributed microservices. thorntail wildfly swarm

First of all, create a separate environment with Java Engine.thorntail wildfly swarm

Then click Add Project next to the Maven node in the initial environment.maven java

Specify the name and link to the project, as well as choose the environment where it should be deployed. Additionally, you can activate automatic updates. Then confirm pressing Add + Deploy.

More details on how to build and deploy Java applications can be found at the Maven node documentation.

In this way, you can easily build and deploy your Thorntail (WildFly Swarm) based applications packaged as JAR and War files using Fat, Skinny or Thin approach. Register and try out this implementation for your custom project to feel the benefits of microservices running in the cloud.

Related Articles:

How to Build and Deploy Vert.x Fat or Thin Microservice Application to the Cloud

Spring Boot Thin Jar Builder for Running Java Microservices

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