It’s time to update you with the latest data on the cloud software stacks' distribution for September 2013. You’ll see the overall percentages for databases, Java and PHP application servers, Java and PHP versions, statistical data by regions and the last year's trends.

Databases usage

MySQL leads as usual, but this month it lost 4% of the market share. MariaDB comes in second (20%) - its market share increased slightly, compared with the previous month. MongoDB's and Postgres' popularity has also grown. The outsider CouchDB, continues to lose its position.

Database Market Share, September 2013

Distribution by regions: It appears that in Sweden, MariaDB and MongoDB are even more popular than the overall leader, MySQL.

Database Market Share by Region, September 2013

The current numbers:

Database Distribution, September 2013

Here are the last year's trends:

Database Market Share by Time Period, September 2012 - September 2013

Java Application Servers usage

Tomcat 7 dominates with 77% and it seems that other Java application servers have no chance of overtaking them. Other percentages remain mostly the same.

Java Application Server Market Share, September 2013

Looking at the region stats, we can conclude that Tomcat 7 dominates the entire Java world.

Java Application Server Market Share by Region, September 2013
See the table data for September 2013:
Java Application Server Distribution

Now let’s see what happened to Java application servers over the last year:

Java Application Server Market Share by Time Period, September 2012 - September 2013

PHP application server's usage

Nothing surprising here: Apache is at number one with 75% of the share. The margin between Apache and NGINX continues to grow.

PHP Application Server Market Share, September 2013

PHP application servers have contrasting popularity in various regions.

PHP Application Server Market Share by Region, September 2013

The overall figures:

PHP Application Server Distribution, September 2013

The next chart demonstrates the changes in PHP application servers' popularity, over the last year.

PHP Application Server Market Share by Time Period, February - September 2013

Java versions usage

Java 7 and Java 6 have remained steady in their popularity: 87% and 13% respectively.

Java Version Distribution, September 2013
Regionally, the situation is similar. Developers from various countries confirm that Java 7 dominates.
Java Version Distribution by Region, September 2013

Here's the data in a table format:

Java Version Distribution, September 2013

The graph below shows the trends over the last year in JVM popularity.

Java Version Distribution by Time Period, September 2012 - September 2013

PHP versions usage

Finally, here's the PHP version distribution for September 2013. Of course, PHP 5.4 leads this month by a huge margin.
PHP Version Distribution, September 2013
Comparing the regional percentages, we can note that in Russia and Finland PHP 5.3 and 5.4 have almost the same usage.
PHP Version Distribution by Region, September 2013
PHP Version Distribution, September 2013

It's even more interesting to see this software stack trend. The chart is quite stable.

PHP Version Distribution by Time Period, February - September 2013

Each month, we'll release monthly updates on the software stacks popularity trends - so stay tuned to our blog to keep in touch with our updates.