Custom Domain Names for Jelastic deployments

| August 1, 2011 | DevOps PaaS | , , , , , , ,

When you deploy your application into Jelastic, the URL you get is While this is probably fine for development and test scenarios, you probably want to use a neat shiny independent external URL that you own for production deployments.
Luckily this is extremely easy and free to do. Below are the step-by-step instructions. Scroll down if you want to see the video instead.
To use your own domain name for your URL instead of, do the following steps:
1. Log in to your domain registrator and add canonical name (CNAME), e.g., CNAME
2. Wait till the DNS change propagates (you should start seeing Jelastic's documentation page when using the external URL.)
3. Log in to the Jelastic.
4. Click the Settings button (the wrench icon) for the environment which URL you wish to change.
5. Enter your domain name e.g.,
6. Click the Bind button.
Note: It may be several minutes until the new URL takes effect.
Here's a quick video showing the whole procedure: