Jelastic PaaS Results Review of 2018

| December 24, 2018 | News | , , ,

2018 was an active year for Jelastic team and community. Lots of achievements make us proud this year: new partners, boastfully solved challenges, product releases, awards, and events. So we’d like to sum up the main points and share them with those who inspire us to move on - our customers, partners, advisors, and everyone involved.

Worldwide Availability and New Partners

Jelastic Multi-Cloud PaaS keeps spreading among service providers, ISVs and developers.  

This year we announced 8 new partnerships with cloud service providers, as well as launched new hybrid and multi-cloud projects, adding extra spots of our presence on the world map.

Powered Up Multi-Cloud Platform

From the start of 2018, Jelastic team developed and publicly launched 2 major and 18 minor product releases that contain important features, improvements and bug fixes. Here are the favorite features of this year:

Let us know what features you’d like to see in the roadmap for the upcoming year.

Advanced Auto-Clustering

This year customers showed a big interest in clustered solutions. So we paid special attention to the development of this direction to make the required clustered stacks and applications available in an easy automated way. Currently, the following clusters can be installed just in one click or activated right from the topology wizard:

In order to ease the installation and configuration of the software for the clients, ISVs are actively transforming their products to the SaaS model and we are ready to help in this direction by simplifying and automating the processes. So stayed tuned for more clustered solutions and use cases in the next year.

Listed by Forrester as Major Public Cloud Platform

Forrester (Dave Bartoletti and John R. Rymer) published its overview of 17 Public Cloud Development Platforms currently presented at the market. The core purpose is to present dynamically changing vendors landscape and simplify the platform choice for companies worldwide.

In this overview Forrester listed Jelastic along with AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud as a full-stack cloud platform provider. It is mentioned that such type of platforms gives developers deep control over their application architectures, offers runtimes for projects written in various languages, DevOps toolchains, Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS), database and analytics services, and many more. 

Duke’s Choice Award Winners

Jelastic became a winner of the Duke’s Choice Award 2018 that was announced at Oracle Code One conference in San Francisco.

The primary judging criterion for this prestigious award is Java innovation and Jelastic proved its sustainability in this direction already twice. In 2012, Jelastic won its first Duke’s Choice Technology Leader Award and that was a great breakthrough for the company. And this year the platform provider showed that the technology became even more mature.

OpenJDK Patch for Increased Java Elasticity

To solve the problem of releasing unused but committed Heap memory and make Java RAM usage in containers more efficient, Jelastic initiated and sponsored development of a patch to OpenJDK which improves elasticity and enables fully automated vertical scaling of Java applications that rely on G1 garbage collector. This work introduces new command line options for heap sizing that allows the JVM to scale its memory resources vertically. In particular, the proposed solution is to promptly return unused committed memory to the operating system.
The offered solution is already implemented in the OpenJDK 12. This improvement will allow Java users to save a significant amount of resources and thus money, as well as help cloud providers to better utilize their infrastructure and introduce more flexible billing model based on real usage not on the VM limits.
Find out more details in the related:

java cloud

Use Cases and Whitepapers

A set of published use cases help to make the right cloud choice based on the problems the customers are facing and the possible solutions we offer:

In addition, we created a number of whitepapers with general product overview and case studies:

platform as a service paas

If you're our customer or partner and want to share your case with our subscribers, feel free to get in touch via and discuss the details.

Top Publications

Jelastic team is working hard on spreading the word about cloud technologies and hosting business, so that is always pleasant to see our materials published on external media:

Also, this year we published more than 80 articles at Jelastic blog, and the most popular are rounded up below.

Language- and stack-specific hosting:

Clustered solutions and microservices:

Feature-oriented instructions:


High-level overviews on cloud hosting and container topics:

Extended Video Library

The list of video materials grew with new overviews, how-tos and interviews, let’s remind the newcomers:

  • WordPress Cluster Installation
  • Dev UI Overview
  • JCA Overview
  • Hidden Truth about Containers. Interview with Ruslan Synytsky
  • Deceptive Hospitality of Cloud Vendors
  • Automatic Vertical Scaling in OpenJDK
  • Cost Efficiency in the Cloud: Myth or Reality
  • Interview with Developers Advocate Bruno Souza
  • How to Reach Developers as Customers. Tips from Bruno Souza
  • How to Make Money Solving 5 Major Problems of Cloud Hosting Customers
  • Managed aPaaS for New Revenue Channels

A full video library can be found at Jelastic YouTube channel.

Let’s Make 2019 Prospective!

We're grateful for your trust and cooperation. This year was an amazing journey full of activities and significant innovations.

Jelastic Team wishes you all the best for the next year! Celebrate the wonder and the joy of the festive season, and make 2019 full of new plans and endeavors.

Thank you for being with us! Let’s make upcoming year the greatest together!