How to Install StrongLoop

With StrongLoop API Server you are able to develop, deploy, secure and scale REST APIs at a record speed.

The main StrongLoop components are:

  • LoopBack, an open-source framework for Node;
  • StrongLoop Controller, a Node devops system;
  • Application monitoring, for app’s metrics controlling;
  • other resources for Node.js developers and devops professionals.

These components, which can be used together or separately, make up a complete Node.js API server. The parts are modular so you can mix and match them as needed.

In this instruction, you’ll find out how to deploy the LoopBack framework example application at the platform.

Create Environment

1. Log in to the platform and click the Create environment button on the upper left corner of the dashboard.

create environment

2. In the opened window, switch to the Node.js tab. The only available application server will be chosen by default, therefore just specify the maximum resources usage limit for it (use the cloudlets sliders), type your environment name (e.g. strongloop), and click Create button.

environment wizard

3. Wait for a minute until your environment is created.

environment for StrongLoop created

Application Deployment

1. To run your LoopBack application, you need to access your environment via SSH protocol.

Tip: In the case you haven’t performed similar operations before, you need to:

2. Once you’ve established the SSH connection to your PaaS account, select strongloop environment from the list of available ones.

SSH select environment

3. Then enter the NodeJS container.

SSH select node

4. Now let’s run the LoopBack application sample. Go to the ROOT folder with the next command:


ROOT folder

5. While inside, you need to download the appropriate project from the repository storage. Type the following line for that:

git clone

git clone application

6. Enter your newly created loopback-example-app directory and install the required libraries:

cd loopback-example-app
npm install

install dependencies

7. The last thing you need to do before you can start your project is to disable the default Node.js application and allow our project to run instead. Execute the next string:

sudo service cartridge stop

stop default application

8. Now you can run your LoopBack application using the following command:

node .

run LoopBack application

Note: DO NOT terminate this process because it’s required for the proper application work (you still can close your terminal or just its tab).

9. Finally, return to your platform dashboard and run the project by means of pressing Open in Browser next to your strongloop environment.

open StrongLoop in browser

Note: If you restart your application server, you’ll need to run the application through the console again with sudo service cartridge stop and node commands (ensure you’ve entered the appropriate project folder).

Congratulations! You have just hosted a LoopBack sample application at the platform.


LoopBack’s welcome page contains a lot of detailed information that will help you to continue to work with LoopBack in creating APIs. Good luck.

What’s next?