How to Install Pydio

Pydio (ex-ajaXplorer) is a free and open-source launcher that can turn your server (on premise, NAS, cloud IaaS or PaaS) into a powerful and convenient information exchanging system for you company. It is really safe, private and controllable alternative to SaaS Boxes and Drives. There are freeware clients for iOS and Android, so you can get an access to your files from any smartphone or tablet.

You can install it with ease into your platform.

Create Environment

If you don’t have a PaaS account, please register it as described in the Getting Started document.

1. Log in to the platform dashboard and click Create environment button in the upper left corner of the dashboard.

create environment button

2. Choose the PHP tab. Pick Apache as your application server and MySQL as a database. State the cloudlet limits for the chosen nodes and name your environment or use the default name. Click the Create button.

Pydio environment topology

3. Just in seconds your new environment will be created and displayed in the environment list.

You have received two emails as well: the first one with the confirmation of the successful creation of the environment and the second one - with MySQL authorization details.

Configure MySQL Database

1. In the platform dashboard panel click the Open in Browser button for the MySQL node in your environment.

open MySQL in browser

2. Open the letter with MySQL node successfully added subject in your email box. Find there your Login and Password (you can also enter the phpMyAdmin panel by clicking on the Access URL from the same letter omitting the first step).

3. Enter your Username and Password (or copy them from the email).

MySQL database log in

4. Navigate to the Users tab and create a new user (name it, for example, pydio) with an option Create database with same name and grant all privileged ticked. Click the Go button in the bottom right corner.

database add user

create dedicated database

Download and Deploy Application

1. Go to the official Pydio site, find Download tab and choose the Latest Stable item.

download Pydio

2. Choose Click Here! in the Manual Installation box.

Pydio package

3. Add your email and name to subscribe to Pydio mailing or just click No thanks, to the download now! link at the right-bottom corner of the pop-up window.

subscribe or skip Pydio mailing

4. In the opened browser tab select the latest branch (5.2.3 in our case).

latest Pydio branch

5. Download a pydio-core .zip file (in our example it is named

download Pydio archive

6. Switch back to your platform dashboard. Click Upload in the Deployment Manager. Choose your archive file and click the Upload button.

upload Pydio archive

7. Then click the Deploy to icon next to the name of your archive file in the Deployment Manager and choose your environment within drop-down list. In the opened frame specify the application’s target context if you want to deploy several projects into one server (in our case it is not necessary) or just leave it blank.

Run Application

1. Open your environment in browser by clicking the Open in Browser icon next to it.

open Pydio in browser

2. Click on the click here to continue to Pydio link.

Pydio diagnostic tool

3. Choose the language you prefer and click Start Wizard. Follow the instructions.

choose Pydio language

4. Expand parameters sections one by one and fill in the required data.

In the Configurations storage section choose Database (Requires MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite) Storage Type. Enter your database Host (access URL from the received email without http://), type Database name and User name (you’ve specified them while DB setting up).

Once you’ve customized all the necessary settings, press Install Pydio Now button.

Pydio configure database

5. After installation has been successfully completed you’ll be automatically redirected to the Pydio login page. Type the credentials of administrator account you’ve created in the previous step and click button with green tick.

Pydio log in

6. Congrats! Now you can work with Pydio application installed to your platform. Enjoy and share!

Pydio successfully installed

What’s next?