How to Install Piwik

Meet Piwik - web analytics application, freeware and open-source! It can help you gather and analyze important information about your users by tracking Key Performance Indicators such as visits, goal conversion rates, downloads, keywords and many other.

Piwik has been translated to more than 45 languages and new versions appear regularly, every few weeks.

You can easily deploy and run it within the platform with the help of PHP and MySQL web servers. Let’s do it now.

Create Environment

If you don’t have a PaaS account, please register it as described in the Getting Started document.

1. Log in to the platform and click Create environment button in the upper left corner of the dashboard.

2. Choose the PHP tab. Pick Apache as your application server and MySQL as a database. Name your environment or use the default name. State the cloudlets limits for each added node. Click the Create button.

Piwik environment topology

3. Just in few seconds your new environment will be created and displayed in the environment list.

environment for Piwik created

You have also received two emails: the first one with the confirmation of successful environment creation, and the second one - with MySQL authorization details.

Configure MySQL Database

1. In your platform dashboard window click on Open in browser icon for the MySQL node in your environment.

open MySQL in browser

2. Open the letter with the subject MySQL node successfully added in your email box. Find there your Login and Password (you can enter the phpMyAdmin panel by clicking the Access URL in the same letter as well).

3. Specify your Username and Password and log in.

database log in

4. Go to the Users tab and create a new user (you can name it piwik, for example) with an option Create database with same name and grant all privileges ticked. Push Go button in the bottom right corner.

database add user

create dedicated database

Upload and Deploy Application

1. Go to the official Piwik site and click Download Piwik Now link. On the next page download the latest application release.

download Piwik package

2. Unzip the package you have just downloaded, and compress the folder Piwik to archive.

3. Go to your platform dashboard and click Upload at the Deployment Manager. In the opened window Browse to your local archive file and upload it.

upload Piwik archive

4. Click on the Deploy to icon next to the name of your archive file and choose your environment from the drop-down list. If you would like to deploy several projects to the single server, specify the application’s target context (in our case it is not necessary).

deploy Piwik application

Install Application

1. Open your environment in browser by clicking the Open in Browser icon.

open Piwik in browser

2. Follow the installation instructions.

Piwik installation

3. At the Database Setup step fill the next fields in:

  • Database Server (the access URL from the received email without http://)
  • Login and Password (you’ve created them while DB setting)
  • Database Name (the same as login)

Click the Next button.

Piwik database setup

4. Enter the login and password which you chose for your Super User, input valid email address. Click the Next button.

Piwik super user

5. Enter your Website name and insert your environment URL. Click the Next button.

Piwik setup website

6. At this step you are provided with Tracking Code. Later you will be able to find it at your Admin Dashboard. Click the Next button one more time.

Piwik tracking code

Congratulations! You have got Piwik application up and running inside your platform.

7. Now, you can enter Super User’s login and password and enjoy working with your Web Analytics System!

Piwik log in

Piwik web analytics

What’s next?