How to Install Alto CMS
Alto CMS is a modern engine for creation of the sites with different purposes. It is open-source, freeware, and can be used with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.
This CMS is based on a MVC (Model Viewer Controller) paradigm. Its basic functionality is permanently updated with hooks and plug-ins, created by the community of independent developers for this system. In addition, Alto CMS supports Smarty 3+ template engine for PHP, which makes it easy to customize your site appearance.
Find out how to install Alto CMS application into your platform by following the next steps.
Create an Environment
NOTE: If you don’t have a PaaS account, please register it as described in the Getting Started document.
1. Log in to the platform and click Create environment button in the upper left corner of the dashboard.
2. Choose the PHP tab. Pick Apache as your application server and MySQL as a database. Define the resources limits for the chosen nodes and name your environment (or use the default name). Click the Create button.
3. In a seconds your environment with both Apache and MySQL will be created and appear in the environments list.
Upload the Application
1. Go to this link and choose the latest version of Alto CMS to download.
2. Go to your platform dashboard. Click Upload in the Deployment Manager. Choose your archive file and click the Upload button.
3. Click the Deploy to icon next to the name of your archive file and choose the appropriate environment. If you would like to deploy several projects into one server, specify the application’s target context (in our case it is not necessary).
Configure Database
1. Once the deployment is finished, click Open in browser icon for MySQL node in your AltoCMS environment.
2. After the environment creation you’ve received two emails: the first one with the confirmation of successful environment creation and the second one – with MySQL authorization details. Find there Login and Password for signing in to the phpMyAdmin.
3. In the opened administrator panel navigate to the Users tab and create a new user with an option Create database with same name and grant all privileges ticked. Name it, for example, alto.
Install Alto CMS
1. Switch back to the platform dashboard and click the Open in browser icon for Apache server in your environment.
2. In the opened tab you’ll see the first step of Alto CMS installation, which starts with checking if your environment configurations meet the requirements. Click the Next button.
3. The next step is DB configuration. Type the hostname of your database (it is the access URL from the received email without http://), DB name and Username (you’ve created them while DB setting). Click the Next button.
4. In the next stage enter your Email and type Login and Password for administrator user. Click the Next button.
5. Installation will be started. Wait till its completion.
6. Open your platform dashboard and click on the Apache Config icon. Now find the install folder (/webroot/ROOT/install) and delete it.
That’s all! Now you have your own Alto CMS in PaaS PHP Cloud. Enjoy it!