How to Install Yabe

Play! is an open-source framework for web applications, which is written in Scala and Java and implements the principles of Model-view-controller architecture. Since it is one of the most popular frameworks among the developers, we’ve decided to show how to deploy Play! projects to the platform on the example of Yabe application.

Yabe is a lightweight ASP.NET-based blog engine, which emphasizes on simplicity in design of MVC based web apps. It provides simple management for your posts, articles, submitted comments, attached tags and users' permissions.

So, let’s find out how to easily get the personal Yabe-based blog installed within the platform.

Create Environment

1. Log into the platform dashboard with your credentials.

2. Click New environment to set up an environment for your project.

new environment

3. Once the Environment Wizard frame is opened, pick your application server and database you want to use (for example, Tomcat and MySQL). Then specify the resources limits for both instances and type your environment name, for example, yabe-blog.

environment wizard

4. It will take just a minute for your environment to be created.

Yabe environment created

Database Configuration

After the process of new environment creation has been successfully finished, you can proceed to configuring your database server.

1. Click the Open in Browser button for MySQL node.

open database in browser

2. Login to the opened phpMyAdmin panel using DB credentials that the platform has sent you via email after environment creation.

3. Now you need to create a new user account and separate database for it. To do this switch to the Users tab and press the Add user link.

add database user

4. In the opened window type User name (e.g. yabe), Password (as example we’ll use the short one, while you’ll need much more secure password to protect your DB from the unauthorized access) and confirm it in the Re-type field.

Note: Do not forget to put a tick to the Create database with same name and grant all privileges check-box as it is shown at the image below.

create database

Press Go under the form when ready.

Upload and Deploy Application

Now, once the database is configured, you can upload and deploy your Yabe application.

1. Go to the Play framework download page and find the package with its latest 1.x version (it should be named like

download Play

2. Unzip the package you have just downloaded.

3. Run the Play! framework via your console using the appropriate command line:

  • C:\path-to-play-folder\play for Windows
  • /path-to-play-folder/play for Linux

This path should lead to the folder with the extracted play-1.x.x.x archive.

run Play framework

4. Now we can create the yabe.war file. Execute the following command:

/path-to-play-folder/play war /path-to-play-folder/samples-and-tests/yabe -o /path-to-yabe/yabe_name --zip

where you should substitute the following strings:

  • path-to-play-folder - location of the extracted play-1.x.x.x archive at your local machine
  • path-to-yabe - location you’d like your Yabe application to be created at
  • yabe_name - name of the Yabe .war file that will be created (yabe in our case)

create Yabe WAR

5. Return to the platform dashboard and upload the .war file you have just generated using the Deployment manager.

upload Yabe archive

6. Once the package is in the platform, deploy it to the environment you’ve created earlier.

deploy Yabe

Server Configuration

The last thing you need to do is to configure your application server.

1. Click the Config button for Tomcat to access the server files.

Tomcat config

2. Upload the MySQL .jar connector to the lib folder within the opened tab. It can be downloaded here.

upload MySQL connector

3. Next, find the application.conf file inside the webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/application/conf folder. Uncomment strings in the full JDBC configuration section (starting approximately at the 83d code line) and specify database URL, driver, user and password according to the parameters of your DB:


Note: The {node_id} value implies the ID of the MySQL container you want to receive the access to. It can be seen at the dashboard:

node ID

As a result your configuration strings will look like following:

Yabe application config

4. Scroll a few lines below, uncomment the db.pool.timeout parameter inside the Connections pool configuration section and increase its value to 10000 ms:


pool timeout config

Save the changes you’ve made using the appropriate button above the editor.

5. Finally, Restart your Tomcat application server in order to apply the stated configurations.

restart Tomcat

6. Now you can open your Yabe application by means of pressing the Open in Browser button next to your environment.

open Yabe in browser

Awesome, you did it! Enjoy your blog engine, run inside the cloud.

What’s next?