How to Deploy Xinco DMS

Here’s a detailed instruction on how to deploy xinco DMS to the platform. It is a Document Management System for files, text, URLs and contacts, featuring ACLs, version control, full text search and an FTP-like client. Xinco is a powerful and quite popular DMS, so we wanted to show you how it would work in the to the platform.

It’s pretty easy, just follow the steps below.

Create Environment

1. Log into the platform dashboard.

2. Click Create environment to set up a new environment.

create environment

3. In the Environment Topology dialog, pick your application server (for example, Tomcat) and the database you want to use (for example MySQL). Then type your environment name, for example, xinco.

environment wizard

Wait just a minute for your environment to be created.

Upload Java Package

1. Navigate to and download the xinco DMS server as a zip file.

download xinco DMS

xinco DMS package

2. Extract the files from zip package you have just downloaded and create a .WAR file from the xinco folder contents (xinco-DMS-3.00.00 M3/webapps/xinco).

3. Upload your Java package to the Deployment manager.

upload xinco DMS

4. Once the package is in the platform, deploy it to the environment you have just created.

deploy xinco DMS

Configure Database

1. Click Open in Browser button for MySQL.

MySQL open in browser

2. When you created the environment, the platform sent you an email with credentials to the database. Use these credentials to create a user account and the database with the application.

database add user

create dedicated database

Configure Xinco

1. Go back to the platform dashboard click Config button for Tomcat and upload the MySQL connector to the lib folder.

upload MySQL connector

2. Open the context.xml file (webapps/ROOT/META-INF/context.xml) and set the database configuration.

database connection

Save your changes and restart Tomcat.

Start Xinco

Now you can launch xinco DMS in a web browser and use all it’s cool functions!

xinco DMS

What’s next?