Pulse is a Java portal solution which provides easy to use, extensible patterns for creating rich browser based web applications and websites. It delivers a set of out-of-the-box components, such as Content Management (CMS), webshops, user management and much more. It's a cross-platform, implemented using Java technology, which provides a framework for quick development of own applications. Pulse is delivered with a host of out-of-the-box applications: CMS, Shop, Surveys, Filters and much more. Also it includes such features as: A WebDAV based virtual file system for digital asset management, mature user and role management, easy-to-use administration interface, built for internationalization and flexible templating.
Let's come through the steps below to get this great solution up and running in the cloud.
Create environment
1. Go to jelastic.com and sign up if you haven't done it yet or log in with your Jelastic credentials by clicking the Sign In link on the page.
2. Ask Jelastic to create a new environment.
3. Choose the instances you want to use (for example, Tomcat 7 application server and MySQL database), set the cloudlets limit and type the name of the environment. Then click Create.
In a minute your environment will be created.
Upload Java package
1. Go to Pulse web-site and download the current binary release war package.
2. Extract files from zip package you have just downloaded.
3. Run build.bat (for Windows) or build.sh (for Linux) to build the WAR file.
4. Switch back to Jelastic dashboard and upload Java WAR package (it'll located in the build folder) to the Deployment manager.
5. Once the package is in Jelastic, deploy it to the environment you have created earlier.
Configure database
1. Click Open in browser button for MySQL.
2. While you were creating the environment, Jelastic sent you the email with credentials to the database. Create an account and the database with the application using these credentials.
Configure Pulse
1. Click config button for Tomcat.
2. Navigate to the pulse.xml file (webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/conf) and change the database settings according to your installation.
3. Save the changes and restart Tomcat.
Now you can open Pulse in a web browser and start using it.
When the application starts, you will find the password for the auto-generated root user in the log file. It'll look like the following:
INFO [startup] org.torweg.pulse.accesscontrol.AbstractUserBase - Created new superuser root identified by password
Use root as the user name and the password from the log file to log in. This will automatically take you to the administration interface.
As you can see it is very easy way to get Pulse Java portal solution up and running in the cloud. Just give it a try!
Related articles:
- How to deploy Ametys CMS to the Cloud (jelastic.com)
- How to Deploy Walrus CMS to Jelastic Cloud (jelastic.com)
- Mura CMS in the Cloud: Fast & Easy (jelastic.com)