How to Install Portofino

Portofino is an open source web framework, which helps developers to create the outstanding enterprise applications. It was designed to comply with the following widely-spread requirements:

  • productivity: Portofino gives results quickly (using its wizard you can create webapp just in a 30 seconds!) and allows developers to stay productive during the whole cycle of project implementation.
  • features: Portofino package includes the set of features for common enterprise needs, that users will appreciate.
  • architecture: Portofino has a well layered, flexible, and secure architecture, which is simple to understand.

So, let’s find out how to get the Portofino application hosted with the help of the platform.

Create Environment

1. Log in to the platform and click Create environment button in the upper left corner of the dashboard.

create environment

2. Choose Tomcat and MySQL instances at the Java tab. Name your environment (e.g. portofino), define the required amount of resources within cloudlets sliders, and click Create button.

environment wizard

3. Wait just a minute for your environment to be created.

Upload and Deploy Application

1. Navigate to the Portofino website and click Download button in order to get the application package.

Portofino site

2. After you were automatically redirected to the SourceForge site, navigate to the Files section.

Portofino files

3. Open the manydesigns-portofino directory and select a folder with the latest Portofino version. Download the archive (named it contains.

Portofino download

4. Unzip the archive you’ve just downloaded.

5. Go to your platform dashboard and click Upload button at the Deployment Manager tab. In the opened frame browse to the ROOT.war file, located in the portofino-x.x/apache-tomcat-7.0.54/webapps/ folder of the extracted archive, and click Upload.

upload Portofino archive

6. Then press Deploy to icon next to the Portofino .war file, choose the environment you’ve created before, and confirm the deployment in the opened window.

deploy Portofino

7. Once the deployment is successfully finished, launch the application by means of pressing Open in browser button next to your environment.

open in browser

Congrats! For now you can start working with your own Portofino web framework, easily hosted within the platform.



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