How to deploy Orbeon Forms

Orbeon Forms is a very popular solution to build and deploy web forms. It is used all over the world in a number of industries. Let’s deploy it to the platform right now!

It’s pretty easy, just follow the few simple steps below.

Create Environment

1. Log into the platform dashboard.

2. Click the Create environment button:

create environment

3. In the Environment topology window select Tomcat as your application server, type your environment name, for example, orbeon, and click Create.

environment wizard

It will take just a minute for your environment to be created.

Upload Java Package

1. Go to the Orbeon web site and download the latest Orbeon Forms community edition.

Orbeon download

Orbeon package

2. Extract the files from the zip package you have just downloaded and upload the orbeon.war file to the Deployment manager.

upload Orbeon

3. Once the package is in the platform, deploy it to the environment you have just created.

deploy Orbeon

Now you can open Orbeon Forms in a web browser and use all its functions!

Orbeon Forms

What’s next?