Health IT in the Cloud: How to Deploy OpenMRS
This instruction shows you how to deploy one of the most popular web-based electronic medical records OpenMRS to the platform. Actually OpenMRS is both software and a community. They have come together to specifically respond to those actively building and managing health systems in the developing world, where AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria afflict the lives of millions of people.
So let’s deploy OpenMRS to the cloud right now!
Create Environment
1. Log into the platform dashboard.
2. Click the Create environment button:
3. Choose the instances you want to use (for example, Tomcat application server and MySQL database), set the cloudlets limit and type the name of the environment. Then click Create.
In a minute your environment will be created.
Upload Java Package
1. Go to OpenMRS web-site and copy the OpenMRS Enterprise WAR Package URL address.
2. Switch back to the platform dashboard and upload Java WAR package using the URL you have just copied.
3. Once the package is in the platform, deploy it to the environment you have just created.
Configure Database
1. Click Open in Browser button for MySQL.
2. While you were creating the environment, the platform sent you the email with credentials to the database. Create an account and the database with the application using these credentials.
Configure OpenMRS
1. Click Config button for Tomcat and upload MySQL connector to the lib folder.
2. Create file in the .OpenMRS folder (home directory) and specify database connection properties there.
3. Save the changes and restart Tomcat.
OpenMRS Installation
1. When the deployment is successfully finished, launch the application in web browser. You’ll see OpenMRS setup wizard. Select the language and proceed to the next step.
2. Choose the Advanced type of installation.
3. Specify how to connect to your currently installed database server and the name of the database you have created earlier.
4. Ask OpenMRS to create the tables for your current database and specify the log in user name and password for your database user.
5. If you want to be able to upload modules from the web interface and updates to the database to be automatically applied on startup when a new web application is deployed, pick Yes.
6. Currently the default administrator user/pass is admin:test. Specify a new password for that user.
7. Step 5 is optional. You can skip it or fill in all the fields if you wish.
8. When all required input has been collected and is ready to be processed, click the finish button to create tables, data, etc.
9. In a several minutes installation will be completed and you will be taken to the OpenMRS main screen. Now you can login and start using it.
Here is also a video version of OpenMRS deployment process: