How to Deploy JRuby

JRuby is a Java implementation of the Ruby programming language. It allows embedding of the interpreter into any Java application with full, two-way access between the Java and the Ruby code. So, if you are a Ruby developer and you would like to deploy your application to the cloud, the PaaS is the best way. It’s easy and fast.

To see how easy it is just follow the next steps:

Create Application

1. First of all you have to install JVM for your OS.

2. Navigate to and download the latest JRuby release (the platform supports JVM-based languages). Don’t worry: it is Ruby for the JVM and and there won’t be any problems.

jruby home page

jruby download

3. Extract the files from the zip package you have just downloaded.

4. Install Rails, an open-source web framework that lets you write “beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration”. It’s pretty easy, just type the following strings at command line:

c:\cd jruby-
c:\ jruby->cd bin
c:\ jruby-\ bin>gem install rails

Gem is the command-line interface for RubyGems, the standard Ruby package manager. Using RubyGems you can install Rails and its dependencies through the command line.

5. Install warbler, which allows to make jar and war files out of application.

c:\jruby-\bin>gem install warbler

6. Create a new project in rails_projects, for example app:

c:\rails_projects>rails new app

7. Create your .WAR file with just one command warble:

c: rails_projects\app>warble

Create Environment

1. Log into the platform dashboard.

2. Create a new environment.

create new environment

3. In the Environment topology window select your application server (e.g. Tomcat 6) and type your environment name, for example, RubyonRails, then click on Create button.

topology wizard

4. In a minute your environment with Tomcat will be successfully created.

new environment created

Upload Java Package

1. Upload your WAR file to the Deployment manager.

upload archive

2. Once the package is in the dashboard, deploy it to the environment you have just created.

deploy application

3. Finally, you can open you app in a browser and enjoy!

jruby application

What’s next?