How to Deploy EJB to the PaaS

This instruction shows you how easy it is to deploy your Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) applications to the platform. You don’t have to change a single line of code or custom configuration.

It’s just a few simple steps.

Create Environment

1. Log into the platform dashboard.

2. Click the Create environment button:

create environment

3. In the Environment topology window, select GlassFish as your application server, set the cloudlets limit, type your environment name, for example, ejbtest, and click Create.

environment wizard

In a minute your environment will be created and will appear in the environments list.

environment for Enterprize JavaBeans created

Upload Java Package

1. Upload your EAR archive to the Deployment manager.

upload Enterprize JavaBeans application

2. Deploy it to the environment you have created earlier.

deploy Enterprize JavaBeans application

Now you can open your application in a web browser and enjoy!

Enterprize JavaBeans application

What’s next?