How to Deploy DotCMS
DotCMS is an open source enterprise class content management system that integrates the best features of content management with built in personalization. It allows you to create data structures and create relationships between them. It also allows you to create containers included in templates that generate pages.
Here is a step by step tutorial on deploying dotCMS to the PaaS. All you need is just go through these simple steps:
Create Environment
1. Log into the platform dashboard.
2. Create a new environment.
3. In the Environment topology window, select Tomcat as your application server, pick MySQL as the database you want to use and type your environment name, for example, dotcms, and click Create.
In a minute your environment with Tomcat and MySQL will be created.
Upload Java Package
1. Navigate to, select Download and copy the URL of the latest dotCMS version.
2. Go back to the platform, click Upload and paste the URL you have just copied.
3. Once the package is in the platform, deploy it to the environment you have just created.
Configure Database
1. Click Config button for MySQL.
2. In my.cnf file, type the following: lower_case_table_names=1. It makes your database case-insensitive. Click Save and Restart the database node after that.
3. Click Open in Browser button for MySQL.
4. When you created your environment, the platform sent you an email with credentials to the database. Create a user account and the database using these credentials.
Configure DotCMS
1. Pick Config for Tomcat.
2. You have to upload to the lib folder all required JAR files: MySQL connector, mail.jar, and dependence library log4j-1.2.16.jar.
3. Upload dotcms_1.9.4.2.jar (it is in to webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib.
4. Go to Server folder and in the context.xml file, write up the database connection properties and mail settings.
Now you can open dotCMS in a browser and use all its functions!