How to Install DataCleaner

DataCleaner is a data quality analysis application and a platform for data quality solutions. It has flexible and powerful data profiling engine for:

  • analysis of data quality: determining if data is fit for it intended uses;
  • datastore: capability to retrieve and update data from a very wide range of datastores;
  • data profiling: creation of a datastore ‘profile’ for a convenient usage and further enhancements;
  • data monitoring: a set of solutions for monitoring of data and web applications.

So, let’s examine how to host DataCleaner application with the help of the platform.

Create an Environment

1. Log in to your PaaS account and click Create environment button in the top panel of the dashboard. datacleaner create environment

2. Choose Tomcat 7 instance at the Java tab of the opened frame. Define the required amount of resources within cloudlets sliders, name your environment, for example datacleaner, and click Create button. datacleaner environment wizard

3. Just in a minute your environment will appear at the dashboard. datacleaner environment created

Upload and Deploy the Application

1. Go to the Sourceforge Project page with the list of DataCleaner releases available. Choose the folder with the latest application version. datacleaner download 1

2. In the opened tab locate the DataCleaner-monitor.war file and download it. datacleaner download 2

3. Then switch back to your platform dashboard and click Upload button at the Deployment Manager tab. In the opened frame Browse to the file you’ve just downloaded and upload it. datacleaner upload archive

4. Once Datacleaner .war file is successfully uploaded, press Deploy to icon next to it and choose the environment you’ve created before. Confirm the deployment in the opened window. datacleaner deploy to

5. Wait until deployment is successfully finished and launch your application. For that press Open in browser button next to your environment. datacleaner open in browser

Congratulations! For now you can start working with your DataCleaner app and use all its functions. datacleaner dataCleaner
