How to Deploy Cyclos

You can have a Cyclos instance up and running within minutes using one-click install option.

The process is simple - just click Get it hosted now, type your email and install Cyclos in a minute skipping the steps of manual installation.

Find out even more solutions at our platform Marketplace.

Instruction on manual Cyclos installation

Cyclos is a complete on-line banking system with additional modules such as e-commerce and communication tools.

It’s pretty easy to deploy it, just follow the steps below:

Create Environment

1. Log into the platform dashboard.

2. While in the platform dashboard, click the Create environment button:

create environment button

3. In the Environment topology window select Tomcat as your application server. Pick MySQL as the database you want to use and then choose your environment name, for example, Cyclos, and click Create.

Cyclos environment topology

It will take just a minute for your environment to be created.

Cyclos environment created

Upload Java Package

1. Navigate to the Cyclos web site and download the basic installation package.

Cyclos download

Cyclos basic installation package

2. Extract the files from zip package you have just downloaded and create a .WAR file from web folder contents.

3. Upload your Java package to the Deployment manager.

upload Cyclos package

4. Once the package is in the platform, deploy it to the environment you have just created.

deploy Cyclos application

Configure Database

1. Click Open in Browser button for MySQL.

MySQL open in browser

2. When you created the environment, the platform sent you an email with credentials to the database. Use these credentials to create a user account and the database with the application.

database add new user

configure new database user

Configure Cyclos

1. Switch back to the platform dashboard and click Config button for Tomcat.

Tomcat configs

2. Open the Cyclos configuration file (home/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ and type the host URL.

Cyclos configuration file

3. In the same file you will have to set the database configuration (database URL, username and password).

configure Cyclos database connection

Don’t forget to Save your changes and Restart Tomcat.

Start Cyclos

Finally, you can launch Cyclos and use all of its functions!

Cyclos successfully deployed

The default credentials are admin/1234.

What’s next?