Codenvy Cloud IDE let's you code, build, deploy and test your projects right in the cloud. It supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks and allows you to share your workspace with colleagues. You can easily clone your environment, use tons of different plugins and project management tools for web application development, without ever leaving your IDE.
You can easily gain up to two hours of additional coding time each day using:
- Codenvy cloud-powered always-on workspaces
- Parallel multi-core compilation
- Continuous iterative deployment
- Multi-cursor pair programming
Benefit from having a shared workspace that integrates with agile tools, code management systems, and production PaaS right now!
So let's see how to integrate this perfect coding tool with Jelastic Cloud PaaS!
Create environment
1. Log into your Jelastic account and click the Create environment button.
2. Select Tomcat 7 (or any other Java application server) and specify the cloudlet consumption limits for it. Then pick Maven build node and set up the resource limits for this node. Next, type your environment name and click Create.
In a few minutes your environment with all the chosen nodes will be created.
Create Codenvy project
1. Log into your Codenvy workspace (or sign up and create one if you haven't done so yet).
2. Click Project > New > Create Project... to start your own project or Project > New > Import from GitHub... to import an existing one from GitHub.
3. Select the type of your new project (Java Web Application in our case) and pick None in the available PaaS list.
4. Select a suitable template for your Java project (e.g. Java Web Project) and click Finish.
5. When your project is successfully created (in this tutorial we use a simple HelloWorld app), initialize your local Git repository.
You'll see the output info, which confirms that your repository was successfully initialized.
6. Click Git > Git URL (Read-only)...
7. Copy the URL to your repository in the appeared window.
Deploy Java application
1. Go back to the Jelastic dashboard and click Add project.
2. In the appeared window enter the name of your Jelastic project and paste the link to your Git repository that you copied from the Codenvy dashboard. After that, type the name of the branch, login and password (if it's a private Git repository) and choose the environment for further project deployment.
The Jelastic system can easily check if you have made any commits to your Git repository and build and deploy your Java project automatically based on these commits. To enable this feature, tick the Check and Auto-deploy Updates check-box and specify the time period for verification in minutes.
3. In a few seconds your Jelastic project will appear on the dashboard.
4. Click the Build and Deploy button to get your project up and running right in the Cloud.
5. In a few minutes open your Java application in a web browser.
As you can see, your Java application developed with Codenvy IDE was successfully deployed to the Cloud.
Now you can work with your code using Codenvy Cloud IDE! Update your project automatically, through the Git repository without having to switch to the Jelastic dashboard of GitHub each time you need to deploy software updates. Enjoy Jelastic Java cloud hosting and be sure that everything is up-to-date in your production environments, automatically.