Deploying Clojure Applications to the PaaS

Clojure is a rather recently developed language, a dialect of Lisp targeted for the JVM. Every feature supported by Clojure is supported at runtime. It also provides easy access to the Java frameworks, with optional type hints and type inference, to ensure that calls to Java can avoid reflection. With the platform, you can take advantage of all the benefits of coding with Clojure without the limitations placed on you with other platforms.

The instruction below show you how to deploy Clojure applications to the platform using the Maven build node. It’s super easy and you can be up and running in no time.

Create the Environment

1. Log into the platform dashboard.

2. Click the Create environment button:

create environment

3. In the Environment topology dialog which opens, pick Tomcat as your application server and Maven as your building tool, type your environment name, for example, clojureapp and click Create.

environment wizard

In just a minute the environment with both Tomcat and Maven will be created.

environment for Clojure created

Build and Deploy the Project

1. Click on Add project button for Maven.

Maven add project

2. In the dialog, navigate to the Git tab (or SVN). Specify your project Name, Path to your project, Branch, Login and Password of your repository, name of your Environment, Context in which you will deploy your project, and click Add.

We’ll use a simple Clojure application as an example.

Clojure project details

Now your project is successfully added.

3. Click on the Build and deploy button for your project.

Maven build and deploy project

This process will take a few minutes. Your project will appear in the context that you have specified and in the Deployment Manager.

Clojure application deployed

That’s all you have to do! Now you can open your Clojure application in a web browser and enjoy.

Clojure application

What’s next?