How to Install Apache Roller Weblogger

Apache Roller is a very popular group-blog server suitable for blogs both large and small.Just like with any other Java application, it is very easy to deploy Roller to the platform.

Create Environment

1. Log into the platform dashboard.

2. Click Create environment to set up a new environment.

create environment

3. In the Environment topology dialog pick GlassFish as your application server, MySQL as the database you want to use and type your environment name, for example, webroller. Then click Create.

environment wizard

Wait just a minute for your environment to be created.

Upload Java Package

1. Go to Apache Roller website and download file.

download Apache Roller

Apache Roller for JavaEE

2. Extract the files from the package you have just downloaded.

3. Switch back to the platform dashboard and upload roller-5.0.0-javaee.war package (roller-weblogger-5.0.0-for-javaee/webapp/roller-5.0.0-javaee.war) to the Deployment manager.

upload Roller application

Configure Database

1. Click Open in Browser button for MySQL.

open MySQL in browser

2. While you were creating the environment, the platform sent you the email with credentials to the database. Create an account and the database with the application using these credentials.

database create user

create dedicated database

Configure Apache Roller

1. Click the Config button for GlassFish and upload MySQL connector to the lib folder.

upload MySQL connector

2. Create a file named with the following content:


3. Upload the file to the classes directory (lib/classes).

Roller custom properties

4. Create rollerdata directory in the home folder. Then select the rollerdata directory and create mediafiles and searchindex directories in there.

create directories for Roller

5. While you were creating the environment, the platform sent you the email with credentials to your GlassFish DAS node. Go to GlassFish admin panel and log in using these credentials.

GlasFish admin panel button

GlassFish admin login

6. Create connection pool with the name WebRollerPool. Choose java.sql.Driver as the resource type and MySQL as the database driver vendor. Click Next.

JDBC connection pool

Navigate to additional properties and enter your database URL, username and password.

database credentials

7. Create JDBC resource named jdbc/rollerdb and select the created WebRollerPool as the pool to be used by this resource.

new JDBC resource

8. Create a mail session with the name mail/Sessions (we use Gmail as an example).

Java mail session

9. Go back to the platform dashboard and deploy your Java package to the environment you have created earlier.

deploy Apache Roller

Now open you can open Apache Roller in a web browser, complete the installation process and start using it!

Apache Roller

What’s next?