Many industrial companies and public administration stakeholders have to manage many sites (institutional, events, portal, intranet, blog, wiki and so on) on a unified platform and also have need for a user-friendly and intuitive interface for new users. That is market that Ametys targets. Ametys is an efficient easy-to-use open source Web CMS (WCM or WCMS). It embeds the best technologies to create rich websites. This WCMS is used by more than 30 000 websites. It has been designed specially for large corporations and public institutions (administrations and higher education).

Let's deploy Ametys to the cloud and start using it right now!

Create the environment

1. Go to and sign up if you haven't done it yet or log in with your Jelastic credentials by clicking the Sign In link on the page.

2. Ask Jelastic to create a new environment.

3. In the Environment topology window, select Tomcat 7 as your application server, set the Cloudlets limit (e.g. 16), pick MySQL as the database you want to use and specify the number of Cloudlets for it. Then type your environment name, for example, ametys, and click Create:

In a minute your environment will be created and appears in the environments list.

Upload Java package

1. Go to the Ametys web site, navigate to Downloads and download the latest Ametys deployment version.

2. Extract the files from the archive you have downloaded.

3. Switch back to the Jelastic dashboard and upload ametyscms.war (ametys-x.x.x/cms/ametys.war) to the Deployment manager.

3. Once the package is in Jelastic, deploy it to the environment you have created earlier.

Configure database

1. Click Open in browser button for MySQL.

2. When you created the environment, Jelastic sent you an email with credentials to the database. Create an account and the database with the application using these credentials.

3. Go back to the Jelastic dashboard and click Config button for Tomcat.

4. Upload mysql-connector library to the Tomcat's lib folder.

Don't forget to restart the server!

Configure Ametys

1. Now you can open your application in a web browser.

2. Click Configure the application to complete the configuration.

3. Log in with credentials admin/admin.

4. Fill in all the necessary fields in the form that have appeared: specify the URL to your application, set the database configuration (database URL, driver, username and password), configure email sending, alerts and reminders on contents, sitemap, uploads management, websites, the path to the repository (in default version it is in the application directory, but it is possible to update it) and so on.

5. Click on Save and restart and voila! - now you can use Ametys CMS with all its functionality.

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