How to Deploy Alfresco

You can have a Alfresco instance up and running within minutes using one-click install option.

The process is simple - just click Get it hosted now, type your email and install Alfresco in a minute, skipping the steps of manual installation.

Instruction on Manual Alfresco Installation

This is a step-by-step instruction on deploying Alfresco, enterprise content management system, into the platform so you can use it as an inexpensive hosted CMS. The platform can natively run any Java application with no code changes required so the procedure below is applicable to most Java applications.

Create the environment

1. Log into the platform dashboard.

2. Click Create environment to set up a new environment.

create environment

3. In the Environment topology window, select Tomcat as your application server, MySQL as the database you want to use and type your environment name, for example, Alfresco, and click Create.

environment wizard

In a minute your environment with both Tomcat and MySQL will be created and appears in the environments list.

Upload Java Package

1. Go to Alfresco web-site and click Build on our open source platform.

Alfresco web-site

2. In the opened window click Download Community Edition in On premise section.

download Alfresco

3. Click Custom Installs and optional modules.

Alfresco custom installs

4. Download the latest version of ZIP archive of Alfresco community edition.

Alfresco ZIP

Alfresco download now

5. Extract files from this archive and navigate to alfresco.war file at \alfresco-community-4.2.c\web-server\webapps.

6. Upload your alfresco.war package to the Deployment manager.

upload Alfresco

7. After the upload is complete deploy this package to the environment you have created earlier.

deploy Alfresco

Alfresco context

Configure Database

1. Click Config button for your Tomcat server.

Tomcat config

2. Upload MySQL connector to the lib folder and restart Tomcat.

upload MySQL connector

3. Click Open in Browser button for MySQL.

open MySQL in browser

4. When you’ve created the environment, the platform sent you an email with credentials to the database. Create an account and the database with the application using these credentials.

database log in

database add user

create dedicated database

Configure Alfresco

1. Once the deployment is finished, click Config button for Tomcat.

Tomcat config

2. Navigate to webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/ and create new file named

3. Copy content of to

Alfresco global properties

4. Edit this file as it is shown below:

  • Uncomment a part of file which sets database credentials. Enter database name and password which you’ve used while creating database database credentials

  • Make the database driver and URL point to your database server. Enter:


    database driver

    Note: To get your IP address (which you should enter instead of “localhost” in the second line) click Info button next to MySQL node.

    MySQL info

    MySQL IP

5. Save the changes.

save changes

Run Alfresco

1. Click on Restart node button next to Tomcat node.

Tomcat restart

2. Finally, click Open in Browser button for Tomcat in your environment. Now you have your own Alfresco in the platform!


And here is a video version of the same procedure:

Hope this instruction will be useful for you.

What’s next?