Virtuozzo Application Platform 1.8.6 Release Notes
In this document you can find all the new features, enhancements and visible changes included in the PaaS 1.8.6 release:
For detailed information on using any of the platform’s features, please refer to the users' documentation.
New Features
- More PHP modules
More PHP modules were added to the system.
Here is a full list of all PHP modules supported by the platform:
bcmath bz2 calendar Core ctype curl date dba dom ereg exif fileinfo filter ftp gd gettext gmp | gzip hash iconv Imagick imap json ldap libxml mbstring mcrypt memcache memcached mhash mongo mysql mysqli ncurses | odbc openssl pcre PDO pdo_mysql pdo_pgsql pdo_sqlite pgsql Phar posix Reflection session shmop SimpleXML snmp soap sockets | SPL SQLite sqlite3 standard sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer wddx xml xmlreader xmlrpc xmlwriter xsl zip zlib |
- More Apache2 modules
- Statistics module
The statistics (or status) module provides an interface to view your server’s statistics.
In the PaaS, this module is disabled by default. You can activate this module following the instruction:- Click Config button for your Apache server. In the conf folder open httpd.conf file. Add the following code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ExtendedStatus On <Location /statistics/> SetHandler server-status ####### Security configuration #################### ####### Basic auth config should follow here ###### ################################################### </Location>
- Save the changes and restart Apache.
- Click Open in browser. Add the location name to the link.
In the opened window the statistics of the server will be shown. More info
- WebDAV module
Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) which is available in PaaS was invented in order to simplify the way you update websites. To enable WebDAV module on your Apache server:- Click Config button for the server in your environment.
- In the conf folder open httpd.conf file. Modify VirtualHost configuration by adding the following:
1 2 3
<Directory /> DAV on </Directory>
- Statistics module
Also you can set the permissions you want by modifying directory configurations. * Save the changes and restart Apache. Go to any WebDAV client. State there the host and connect to the server. As a result you’ll see your files and will be able to configure them, update, add some new etc.
- NGINX WebDav Module
Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) which is available in PaaS was invented in order to simplify the way you update websites.
To enable WebDAV module on your NGINX server:- Click Config button for the server in your environment.
- In the conf folder open nginx.conf file. Modify configuration by adding the following strings as it is shown in the picture below:
dav_methods PUT DELETE MKCOL COPY MOVE; dav_ext_methods PROPFIND OPTIONS; Using nginx.conf file you can set any other configurations for WebDav module. - Save the changes and restart NGINX.
Go to any WebDAV client. State there the host and connect to the server. As a result youâÂÂÂÂÂÂÂll see your files and will be able to configure them, update, add some new etc.
- PHP accelerators
A PHP accelerator is a PHP extension designed to improve the performance of software applications written in the PHP programming language.
The most popular accelerators are built for php5.4 and php5.3 platforms:
- Xcache
- eAccelerator
- ZendGuardLoader (works with PHP 5.3 only)
The accelerators can be activated and configured in the php.ini file of the application server.
The following table lists the bug fixes in PaaS 1.8.6.
# | Description |
JE-6374 | NginxPHP doesn’t apply settings after restart |
JE-6531 | Uploading .bz2 files to Deployment manager (by URL) is not permitted |
JE-6682 | In php.ini short_open_tag was set to OFF by default Now it is set to ON for normal work of applications that has shorten type of tags like “< ? CODE ? >” |
JE-6712 | UTF-8 Encoding problem: added parameter URIEncoding=“UTF-8” into < Connector … / > section of file jelastic-ssl.xml |
JE-6759 | Wrong order while SSL certificate importing |
JE-6792 | “java.lang.NullPointerException” error appears after uploading several lib files to application servers |