Virtuozzo Application Platform 5.6.1/2

This document is preliminary and subject to change.

In this document, you will find all of the new features, enhancements and visible changes included to the PaaS 5.6.1 / 2 releases.

Multi-Region Deploy of Packaged Applications

An ability to receive and work with multiple environment regions in the JPS packagesLearn more

Custom IPv6 Firewall Rules

Implemented possibility to provide custom IPv6 firewall rules for the containersLearn more

GitLab Deploy Tokens Support

Changed validation on the VCS deployment form to support logins generated by GitLab for deploy tokensLearn more

Data Sharing: Export Config Validation

Automatic validation of the export file when sharing data with the external NFS storageLearn more

Container Redeploy with Automatic Backups and Rollback on Failure

Improved reliability of the redeployment process through creating container backups and implementing automatic rollback on failureLearn more

API Improvements

  • optional parameter for the AddMountPointById and AddMountPointByGroup methods to mount data by IP address
  • detailed error description upon the BindSSL API method failure
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Installation Package with Limited Resources

Listing resources on the package installation frame, which will be downscaled due to insufficient account quotasLearn more

UI/UX Improvements

  • renovated functional icons for the dashboard
  • simplified environment group selection flow
  • restyled button for automatic custom SSL dependencies appliance
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Extended Description for the Unreachable NFS Error

The unreachable NFS error was supplemented with the Server IP and Client IP detailsLearn more

Software Stack Versions

Actualized list of supported OS templates and software stack versionsLearn more

Bug Fixes

List of fixes applied to the platform starting from the current releaseLearn more

Multi-Region Deploy of Packaged Applications

In the current 5.6 PaaS release, the regionlist field was provided with a possibility to select multiple environment regions, when preconfiguring a package installation. The following new optional parameters were added to support such integration:

  • multiSelect - allows selecting multiple regions (false by default)
  • min - sets the minimum number of regions required for the package installation (0 by default)
  • max - sets the maximum number of regions required for the package installation
  • required - makes the field obligatory for the provisioning (false by default)
  • delimiter - defines a delimiter for the multi-select (, by default)

multi region deploy

Note: The list field was also supplemented with the multiSelect and delimiter options, allowing to implement the similar to the above-described functionality for any custom list.

With such an improvement, it is possible to automate installations across multiple regions in a single package. For example, you can prepare a solution, which will create instances of your application in different regions, negating risks of unavailability.

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Container Redeploy with Automatic Backups and Rollback on Failure

Container redeploy is a powerful tool to keep your software solutions up to date. Howerer, there are always risks of your application or some specific configs incompatibility with the new container version. As a result, your project can become partially or entirely unavailable till the problem is resolved.

Aiming to eliminate even such a slight possibility, the platform developed a new algorithm for containers redeploy with the main innovation of creating a backup. In such a way, if an error occurs during container update, the platform automatically and painlessly restores node’s previous version, displaying the appropriate action in the dashboard task manager.
Here are some other specifics of the implementation:

  • you are not charged for the redeployment backups created by the platform
  • failure during the sequential redeployment interrupts the process so that it won’t be initiated on the remaining containers; the appropriate warning will be shown in the dashboard
  • if faced some problems after successful redeploy, contact your service hosting provider support team to restore the previously used container version (usually, only the latest redeploy operation can be reverted)

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Custom IPv6 Firewall Rules

Most of the firewall configurations can be performed via the dedicated user interface, which allows configuring the inbound and outbound rules. Herewith, for more flexible management (for example, to configure NAT redirects), you can set custom firewall rules for your container.

In the current 5.6 platform release, the possibility to create custom rules for the IPv6 connects was implemented. Similarly to the flow implemented for IPv4, you need to define the required rules in the dedicated /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables-custom file (using the iptables-save tool format) and apply changes with the sudo /usr/bin/jem firewall fwstart command.

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API Improvements

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Adding Mount Point by IP Address

To support various project requirements, the platform implemented a possibility to add mount points via IP address instead of the domain name. The appropriate AddMountPointById and AddMountPointByGroup API methods were supplemented with the optional sourceAddressType parameter, which can be set as either DOMAIN (by default) or IP. The first option corresponds to the mount point binding by the domain name, while the second one - by IP address. Additionally, for the convenience of these methods usage, the protocol parameter was redefined as optional one and set to NFS by default.

Also, the GetMountPoints method was adjusted to return the appropriate sourceAddressType value in the response.

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BindSSL Error Response Clarification

The BindSSL API method allows securing connection to an environment with a custom SSL certificate. As the task is not trivial, in the current PaaS 5.6 upgrade, the error response was provided with the additional clarification details to simplify the debugging process for developers. For now, if a problem with custom SSL certificate addition occurs, the root cause can be discovered much quicker, and the whole issue resolved faster.

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GitLab Deploy Tokens Support

The validation of the Login field in the deployment form was adjusted to provide the support of the Gitlab deploy tokens and allow quick and simple deployment from the repository without the necessity to configure authentication based on SSH key. Namely, the “+” and “-” special symbols, which are used in the generated by GitLab tokens (e.g. gitlab+deploy-token-1), were allowed. gitlab token validation

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Data Sharing: Export Config Validation

The platform allows you to share data between containers by exporting it on one node and mounting on the other using the NFS protocol. Herewith, if files should be exported to the external server, the appropriate /etc/exports configuration file should be manually adjusted. The automatic validation of the file content was implemented in the 5.6 platform upgrade to simplify the process for you. Namely, the duplicated records and the lines without options are commented by during a new export addition/removal. Also, the backup file of the original exports configurations is saved in the same /etc folder with the .backup-{date} extension.

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Installation Packages with Limited Resources

The platform allows to proceed with the package installation (for example, from Marketplace or imported form JPS Collection) even if some of the account limits are lower than the ones stated in the manifest. Herewith, the appropriate notification is displayed on the installation frame: jps with limited resources

Starting with the current 5.6 platform release, you can proceed with installation even if the package requires Built-In SSL, which is not available for your account. Also, all of the cut resources are listed explicitly within the warning message at the bottom of the install confirmation frame.

In case any of the package requirements cannot be downscaled to match resources available for your account, the appropriate button to contact support is displayed (or the Upgrade now one for trial users).

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UI/UX Improvements

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Dashboard Functional Icons Renovation

Platform dashboard is a powerful GUI panel for the environments hosting and management. It provides access to the main functionality of the platform, allowing to comfortably manage all the aspects of your application lifecycle directly in the browser without the necessity of additional software installation. The most common operations are available through the context menu (displayed upon hovering over the environment, layer or node), where each element is presented in the form of the appropriate functional icon. functional icons renovation

In the present 5.6 PaaS release, these icons were restyled making them larger and more distinguishable.

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Microservice Packages in Marketplace

The platform provides numerous pre-packaged solutions based on the microservices architecture, which are globally available via the Marketplace. In the present 5.6 platform release, the new Microservices section was added to the platform Marketplace to group all of the relevant solutions (for example, Spring Boot Fat/Thin Jar Builder, Vert.x Fat/Thin Jar Builder, Docker Swarm Cluster). microservices in marketplace

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Environment Groups Selection

Environment groups functionality allows organizing projects within your dashboard. Herewith, often you need to assign environment to just a single group, so, for now, the list is automatically collapsed after selecting an option. To choose multiple groups straight away, click on the required items while holding the Ctrl or Cmd key on the dashboard (the appropriate tip was added at the bottom of the form). multi environment groups selection

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Custom SSL Dependencies Configuration

To secure an application with custom SSL, you need to correctly configure your environment topology and attach the appropriate custom domain (the one SSL certificate is issued for). The platform can automatically fulfill the topology requirements by including the certified application server or load balancer with the attached public IP. Just access the SSL section in the wizard and click the Enable button (is hidden if no reconfiguration is required). custom ssl enable button

In the present PaaS release, this button was visually upgraded to match the latest dashboard style. Also, the appropriate hint in the environment settings about custom SSL usage was updated as well.

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Extended Description for the Unreachable NFS Error

The “Destination NFS server is not reachable” error was supplemented with the additional details to simplify analysis of the NFS related issues (i.e. with mount points and data export). Namely, the information on the target Server IP and the source Client IP was added to the response, allowing jump immediately into the investigation.

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Software Stack Versions

Check out the list of the most accurate software stacks for the current platform version:

StackPaaS 5.6.1 / 2
Apache Balancer2.4.37
Apache PHP2.4.37
Apache Python2.4.37
Apache Ruby2.4.37
CentOS (VPS)6.8; 7.2
Couchbase CE5.1.1; 6.0.0
Docker Engine CE17.12; 18.09
GlassFish3.1.2.2; 4.1.2; 5.0
MariaDB5.5.62; 10.3.12
MongoDB2.6.12; 3.6.8; 4.0.2
MySQL CE5.7.24; 8.0.13
NGINX Balancer1.14.2
NGINX Ruby1.14.2
NodeJS6.16.0; 8.15.0; 9.11.2; 10.15.0; 11.6.0
Payara4.1.2.181; 5.184
PostgreSQL9.6.11; 10.6; 11.1
Redis4.0.11; 5.0.3
Spring Boot2
Tomcat7.0.92; 8.5.37; 9.0.14
Ubuntu (VPS)16.04
Varnish4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.1.1
WildFly 1010.1.0; 11.0.0; 12.0.0; 13.0.0; 14.0.1; 15.0.0
Windows (VPS)2012
JDK6.0_45; 7.0_79; 8.0_201; 9.0.4; 10.0.2; 11.0.1
Open JDK7.0_201; 8.0_191; 10.0.2; 11.0.1; 12.ea-b28; 13.ea-b4
OpenJ90.9.0-8u181-b13; 0.9.0-; 0.9.0-10.0.2; 0.11.0-8u192-b12; 0.11.0-11.0.1
PHP 55.3.29; 5.4.45; 5.5.38; 5.6.40
PHP 77.0.33; 7.1.26; 7.2.14; 7.3.1
Ruby2.2.10; 2.3.8; 2.4.5; 2.5.3; 2.6.0
Python 22.7.15
Python 33.4.9; 3.5.6; 3.6.7; 3.7.1
Node.js6.16.0; 8.15.0; 9.11.2; 10.15.0; 11.6.0

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Bug Fixes

In the tables below, you can see the list of bug fixes applied to the platform starting from PaaS 5.6.1 / 2 releases:

PaaS 5.6.1
JE-26588The Favorites shortcut cannot be removed if the target file was deleted
JE-30175Custom domains are bound to a single instance only, even when there are multiple entry points for environment
JE-32438The Apply button on the Environments Groups frame should become active only after some changes are provided
JE-34748The custom-specified number of cloudlets for a node should persist after changing region in topology wizard
JE-35600The User column in the Tasks panel should be displayed if only there are records with appropriate information
JE-36823The mount points to the /var directory should be prohibited
JE-37219The Tomcat 8.5 templates cannot be installed via JPS packages
JE-37660A collaborator with admin permissions cannot add or edit endpoints of the shared environment
JE-37968Incorrect link to the context deployed to the application server layer in the dashboard
JE-38087The double-click on the arrows for navigation between the environment management tabs should not trigger the full-screen mode
JE-38218Incorrect position for the long region names on the Migration dashboard tab
JE-38427Error, while swapping external IP between nodes via API/CLI
JE-38429Incorrect link to the used API method details in CLI
JE-38706The firewall rules are dropped on the Ubuntu VPS after a restart
JE-38790A folder becomes inaccessible through the dashboard file manager after creating a file with the “**” symbol inside
JE-38810The price section is cropped on the Upgrade Account frame
JE-39312Unhandled error, while trying to install JPS with the jpsVersion parameter value incompatible with the platform version
JE-40929The Auto-Refill option description is displayed incorrectly on some resolutions
JE-41316Some external IPs are not displayed in the dashboard after simultaneous addition of the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
JE-41399Unhandled error, while adding custom SSL with an invalid key
JE-41639The skipNodeEmails parameter provided by the map is not applied when installing CS package
JE-41661The Golang template icon is cropped within the Deploy frame
JE-41812The RAM cache/buffer usage should be limited for the Git-Push-Deploy add-on
JE-41936The currently selected file in the Log section should be opened after changing node
JE-41976An error occurs while creating a new file/folder via the dashboard file manager for the first time
JE-41986The long platform domain name is displayed incorrectly within the installation frames from Marketplace
JE-42006The number of Mbps for the Network load is displayed incorrectly within the Load Alerts > Events History section
JE-42038The platform managed templates should be importable regardless of the custom Docker containers availability for the account
JE-42143Incorrect Description is shown within the personal access token Edit frame if accessing after the Copy one
JE-42164Shared Storage container mount points should be restored after node redeploy
JE-42199Multiple levels of the custom registry name should be supported (e.g.
JE-42244The Auto Horizontal Scaling section jumps up (if scrolled) after clicking on the graph’s slider
JE-42328The Ruby application context is renamed to ROOT if VCS project is added without the Auto-resolve conflicts option
JE-42330An “Unknown mime-type file” error occurs while deploying an archive to the Apache or Golang application server
JE-42340Error, while redeploying VCS context for application server added to the Extra layer
JE-42345The PEAR extension for PHP should be allowed to be run with sudo
JE-42359Incorrect minimum resource requirements for the MySQL 8 template
JE-42369Error, while unmounting multiple mount points simultaneously
JE-42439The Auto-Refresh option is stopped after selecting text in the CS console and should restore its previous state after deselecting
JE-42485Separate errors (e.g. mount/unmount or auxiliary packages installation) should be provided for the most frequent redeployment issues
JE-42574The name of the deprecated admin panel is specified in the email for the MongoDB database
JE-42589Access denied error, while accessing some empty folders in the dashboard configuration file manager
JE-42667Mount points cannot be created on the Ubuntu VPS
JE-42769The SwapExtIps API method should not work, when the provided sourceNode does not have public IP attached
JE-42771The SwapExtIps API method description is not complete within the platform API documentation
JE-42852The Domains for the custom SSL certificates are displayed with the HTTP protocol instead of the HTTPS one in the dashboard
JE-42934The Web SSH tab is constantly refreshing after the appropriate layer horizontal scaling
JE-43065Duplicated firewall rules are configured for the old containers after redeploy
JE-43128Duplicated dashboard popup for the corrupted archive deployment error for PHP
JE-43131The GetMountPoints API method returns an unhandled error when neither nodeID nor nodeGroup parameters are provided
JE-43143The setGlobals CS action doesn’t work during the onAfterScaleOut and onBeforeScaleIn events
JE-43175The GetAddHdNodeCmd API method should return a correct SSH command for a new hardware node addition
JE-43219Error, when refreshing the dashboard login form
JE-43258If the invalid record is added to the /etc/exports file, all the subsequent mount points will fail with an error
JE-43383The “storage mount” and “auth add” errors during mount point creation should be handled correctly
JE-43464It is possible to select Elastic VPS within topology wizard on accounts with this feature being prohibited
JE-43482The layer is not enabled when a default tag is selected from the appropriate list within topology wizard
JE-43486The Statistics graphs should be displayed on the opened tab without delay
JE-43550The 502 HTTP transport error occurs upon reloading the dashboard
JE-43647The OOM Killer alerts are duplicated in the Events History tab upon the layer sequential removal and re-addition
JE-43686Insufficient number of cloudlets are provided by default for the WildFly and Payara stacks
JE-43753The images within the Auto-Clustering tooltips should be loaded without delay
JE-43900A collaborator cannot edit container Variables, Links, Volumes, and CMD parameters for the non-standard layers
JE-43941Add-on installations should not be supplemented with the Owner field for accounts in collaboration
JE-43947Incorrect number of public IP addresses are allowed per node when compared to the account quotas
JE-43953An error occurs when trying to add mount points with the space symbol within the source path
JE-43955Web SSH session is lost after connecting to another node or duplicating current session
JE-44061The elements layout is incorrect in the Deploy form
JE-44090Error due to the creation of a mount point using the restricted paths should be handled
JE-44124The value selected via radio-button list cannot be adjusted after applying changes for the first time
JE-44126The Maven build node is not centered in the topology wizard
JE-44139The *.properties file is removed after pre-deploy hook failure for the VCS project deployment
JE-44155Error, while installing the Debian-based custom Docker containers
JE-44163The correct description should be provided for the error after mounting directory to the file
JE-44205The shared environment Clone button should be hidden for collaborators
JE-44206A corrupted email template for the environment migration notifications
JE-44209Incorrect dashboard warning upon migrating environment with IPv6 to the region without free addresses available
JE-44269The possibility to rename deployed context should be hidden for the Apache Python application server
JE-44335No warning on the install JPS confirmation frame about public IP usage for the accounts without external IP addresses support
JE-44351Incorrect link to the environment regions documentation within the platform welcome tutorial
JE-44375The DjangoCMS package cannot be installed from the platform Marketplace
JE-44395The tip icon for scaling mode is shifted within the topology wizard
JE-44406Error, while connecting to nodes over Web SSH
JE-44451Java projects cannot be deployed using the Maven plugin 1.9.1
JE-44495Docker containers within the platform should be stopped gracefully using the SIGTERM signal
JE-44502The platform Shared Storage container cannot be added via the appropriate section on the custom Docker tab in the topology wizard
JE-44520Both IPv4 and IPv6 firewall rules should be generated for containers
JE-44579Email notification after creating a personal access token is not sent
JE-44662Environments, which includes the old VPS nodes with firewall feature enabled, cannot be cloned
JE-44672Some asserts are failed after the setGlobals action in the CS scripts
JE-44699Invalid behavior of the platform welcome tutorial for collaborators without permission to create environments
JE-44727The warning message should be shown for collaborator upon trying to add Public IPs to the shared environment, where an owner doesn’t have the appropriate permissions
JE-44736Error during environment migration between regions
JE-44750Clicking on the environment icon (or account menu button) with the appropriate tab already existing, but collapsed, should re-open the panel
JE-44805The post-installation packages are not installed for the custom Docker containers based on the Ubuntu 18.04 images
JE-44806When collaborator creates an environment on a shared account, the owner’s limitations should be applied in the topology wizard
JE-44889The Detach IP button is absent for collaborator upon working with the owner’s environment
JE-44931When collaborator imports JPS package to the shared account, the warnings on the owner’s limitations should be displayed
JE-44969The Detach IP button is displayed for the first (primary) public IP when there are multiple addresses attached to a node
JE-44974The not authenticated (different session key) error occurs, while executing some API requests with personal access tokens
JE-44987Public IPs should be restored correctly on the environment after the failed migration process
JE-44993Incorrect error description if the called API method is not allowed by the used personal access token
JE-45009The custom Docker container tags cannot be fetched in topology wizard after selecting an image from the private repository
JE-45044Error, when trying to download a file from the dashboard configuration file manager
JE-45090Mount points cannot be created due to lack of permissions for the /etc/exports file for the default container’s user
JE-45104Error, while creating a mount point for the first time
PaaS 5.6.2
JE-44412The default user in the platform containers cannot use the sendmail tool
JE-44704The NGINX load balancer should be provided with the keepalive parameter by default
JE-45225The container’s disk space is reduced after the redeploy operation

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