Virtuozzo Application Platform 5.7.7

This document is preliminary and subject to change.

In this document, you will find all of the new features, enhancements and visible changes included to the PaaS 5.7.7 release.

Licenses Cost in Topology Wizard

Included license price to the Estimated Cost section in the topology wizardLearn more

Redeploy with Automatic Rollback from Snapshot

A new revision of the container redeploy feature, which significantly enhances operation speed and reliabilityLearn more

Welcome Tutorial Update

Updated a list of the central platform features and renewed their appropriate illustrationsLearn more

Supported OS Distribution Revision

Ceased the support of the Fedora-based OS templatesLearn more

Invoiced Period for Post Payment User Groups

Added denotation about billing period to the post payments invoicesLearn more

Dashboard Headers Restyle

New modern style for the section’s headers in the dashboardLearn more

Icons for Marketplace Solutions in Dashboard Search

Marketplace packages located through the dashboard search are provided with their respective iconsLearn more

Software Stack Versions

Actualized list of supported OS templates and software stack versionsLearn more

GlusterFS Mount Timeout

Providing custom mount timeout for the autofs daemon when working with the GlusterFS clusterLearn more

Fixes Compatible with Prior Versions

Bug fixes implemented in the current release and integrated to the previous platform versions through the appropriate patchesLearn more

Bug Fixes

List of fixes applied to the platform starting from the current releaseLearn more

Licenses Cost in Topology Wizard

Starting with the current 5.7.7 PaaS release, the Estimated Cost section of the topology wizard was updated to consider and display details on the license price of the used stacks. Such a change allows providing better support of the recently added LiteSpeed Web Server and Web ADC servers. Herewith, the license price of any other software stack will be displayed in the topology wizard as well. environment estimated cost in topology wizard

Also, some other adjustments were provided for the Estimated Cost section to make it cleaner and more intuitive. For example, free resources and savings highlighting, pay period switcher, additional explanatory notes.

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Redeploy with Automatic Rollback from Snapshot

In the present 5.7.7 release, a new revision of the redeploy feature is introduced. Compared to the previous implementation, it implements multiple optimizations, which result in the following benefits:

  • Due to the optimization of the flow, a copy of all the custom data won’t be created anymore. Thus, the operation speed is significantly enhanced, especially for big containers with lots of data.
  • The redeploy actions are performed on the snapshot, which is discarded upon failure or merged upon success. Such a flow significantly boosts the reliability level of the container update operation.
  • Multiple internal operations are omitted in the new algorithm, boosting the effectiveness and reliability (due to the lower number of failure points) of the redeploy operation even further.

As a result of these changes, the reliability level was considered sufficient to deprecate the redeploy backups option.

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Welcome Tutorial Update

The platform welcome tutorial is a short presentation on the PaaS features and an interactive guide, which shows how to create an environment and deploy an application. It automatically starts on the very first login to the dashboard and can be manually called via the Help > Tutorial menu. In the current 5.7.7 PaaS release, a list of the central platform features for the tutorial was updated and provided with the renewed illustrations.

paas welcome tutorial

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Supported OS Distributions Revision

In the present 5.7.7 PaaS release, a list of supported OS distributions for containers was actualized. Namely, the no-longer supported Fedora-based templates were removed. To run custom Docker containers based on the distributions that are not listed in the linked documentation, please contact us to negotiate the appropriate OS support.

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Invoiced Period for Post Payment User Groups

Based on the particular service hosting provider settings, some customers can be charged based on the post payment approach. Namely, the platform can be used without restriction, but at the end of the month, an invoice for all the consumed resources will be sent. Starting with the present 5.7.7 PaaS release, such a charge additionally includes information on the billing period.

post payment invoice period

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GlusterFS Mount Timeouts

Due to the recently implemented GlusterFS storage with Auto-Clustering, the mount timeout for the autofs daemon was set to three seconds to ensure quick failover. Herewith, such a value is too low when working with the regular Shared Storage and may cause errors. In the current 5.7.7 PaaS release, the algorithm for this timeout configuration was optimized to support both cases.

The new implementation sets the timeout in the /etc/autofs.conf file to 300 seconds by default. Then, in case a mount point from the GlusterFS node is created, the platform automatically switches the value to three seconds on the appropriate container.

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Dashboard Headers Restyle

A new style was implemented for the headers of the different dashboard sections in the present 5.7.7 platform release. The updated view (e.g. elements and their separators color) is smoother and fits better with the latest dashboard visual scheme. Also, the styles for menus in tool panels were adjusted to ensure the correct display of the icons upon selecting a particular item. dashboard headers restyle

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The Dashboard Search is a powerful tool that allows locating the required elements quickly. Among other possibilities, it can look for the pre-packaged solutions from the platform Marketplace. Starting with the present 5.7.7 release, the packages discovered through the dashboard search are provided with their respective icons to improve applications' recognition.

marketplace solution icons in dashboard search

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Fixes Compatible with Prior Versions

Below, you can find the fixes that were implemented in PaaS 5.7.7 release and also integrated into previous platform versions by means of the appropriate patches.

PaaS 5.7.7
#Compatible fromDescription
JE-494883.3The Let’s Encrypt add-on cannot replace envDomain correctly for nodes with HTTPS protocol in URL
JE-311544.10Error when reinstalling Let’s Encrypt add-on on the environment after removal
JE-495955.6Alpine-based custom Docker containers cannot be redeployed to the tags based on the Debian 9 OS template
JE-500625.7.2The autofs package (required to create mount points) cannot be installed on containers based on Debian 10

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Software Stack Versions

Check out the list of the most accurate software stacks for the current platform version:

StackPaaS 5.7.7
Apache Balancer2.4.41
Apache PHP2.4.41
Apache Python2.4.41
Apache Ruby2.4.41
CentOS (VPS)7.6
Couchbase CE5.1.1; 6.0.0
Debian (VPS)9.11; 10.0
Docker Engine CE17.12; 18.09.7; 19.03.2
GlassFish3.1.2.2; 4.1.2; 5.1.0
Golang1.12.10; 1.13.1
HAProxy1.9.7; 2.0.5
LiteSpeed Web ADC2.5.1
LiteSpeed Web Server5.4.1
MariaDB5.5.65; 10.4.8
MongoDB2.6.12; 3.6.13; 4.0.10
MySQL CE5.6.45; 5.7.27; 8.0.17
NGINX Balancer1.16.1
NGINX Ruby1.16.1
NodeJS6.17.1; 8.16.1; 9.11.2; 10.16.3; 11.15.0; 12.9.0
Payara4.1.2.181; 5.192
Percona5.6.6.44; 5.7.26
PostgreSQL9.6.15; 10.9; 11.5; 12.0
Redis4.0.11; 5.0.5
Shared Storage2.0-6.5
Spring Boot2
Tomcat7.0.96; 8.5.45; 9.0.24
TomEE7.1.0; 8.0.0
Ubuntu (VPS)16.04; 18.04
Varnish4.1.8; 5.2.1; 6.3.0
WildFly10.1.0; 11.0.0; 12.0.0; 13.0.0; 14.0.1; 15.0.1; 16.0.0; 17.0.1
Windows (VPS)2012
AdoptOpenJDK8.0.222; 9.0.4; 10.0.2; 11.0.4; 12.0.2
Amazon Corretto8.222.10.1;
Eclipse OpenJ90.9.0-; 0.9.0-10.0.2; 0.11.0-8u192-b12; 0.11.0-11.0.1; 0.15.1-8u222-b10; 0.15.1-11.0.4; 0.15.1-12.0.2
GraalVM CE19.1.1; 19.2.0
Liberica JDK8.0.222; 11.0.4; 12.0.2
Oracle JDK Dev7.0_79; 8.0_202; 9.0.4; 10.0.2; 11.0.2
Oracle OpenJDK7.0.231; 8.0.222; 10.0.2; 11.0.4; 12.0.2; 13.ea-b33; 14.ea-b14
Zulu Community7.0.232; 8.0.222; 11.0.4; 12.0.2
PHP 55.3.29; 5.4.45; 5.5.38; 5.6.40
PHP 77.0.33; 7.1.32; 7.2.22; 7.3.9
Ruby2.3.8; 2.4.9; 2.5.7; 2.6.5
Python 22.7.17
Python 33.4.10; 3.5.7; 3.6.9; 3.7.5; 3.8.0
Node.js6.17.1; 8.16.1; 9.11.2; 10.16.3; 11.15.0; 12.9.0
Go1.12.10; 1.13.1

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Bug Fixes

In the table below, you can see the list of bug fixes applied to the platform starting from PaaS 5.7.7 release:

PaaS 5.7.7
JE-28961Unhandled error when selecting a Windows-based node as an NFS server for a mount point
JE-29661Multiple services cannot be started on the phusion/baseimage Docker container
JE-29988Custom SSL operations log two responses into the jem.log file
JE-35395Public IP cannot be detached on accounts without access to the appropriate feature
JE-36785Upload of the encrypted SSL keys should be restricted
JE-42116SSL cannot be installed on the old NodeJS containers
JE-43821The availability of the mountd procedure should be verified before mounting from external storage
JE-45734Error when mounting from the external storage, which allows the whole network
JE-45992Redeployment fails for containers with a huge number of files in volumes
JE-46322Rename of the ROOT context should be prohibited on the Java Engine and Spring Boot stacks
JE-47294Incorrect width is set by default for slider defined via Cloud Scripting
JE-47295The useTips parameter does not work for slider defined via Cloud Scripting
JE-47647Logs list is not refreshed via the dashboard when tailing any log file
JE-47815Error when creating or scaling custom Docker containers based on the Alpine image
JE-47993The showIf parameter does not work for checkbox defined via Cloud Scripting
JE-48181Incorrect text in the* Custom SSL* section of the environment settings
JE-48308Unhandled error when trying to swap domains for the environment with public IP attached not to all nodes within the load balancer layer
JE-48407The “Cannot read property ‘archivename’ of null” error occurs while deleting the application context
JE-48488The Last Used value in the dashboard is not updated for the personal access tokens
JE-48800The expiration date is the same for all activation keys of a single account
JE-48817Incorrect nesting for Node.js in the Extra layer of the topology wizard
JE-48977The default parameter does not work for slider defined via Cloud Scripting
JE-49101Custom Docker container creation fails for some OS versions
JE-49179The cached Docker image manifest should be updated before redeploy
JE-49209The “java.lang.NullPointerException” error occurs upon installing FTP add-on
JE-49265Actions from the Additionally drop-down menu are performed for the hovered over element
JE-49437The envName alias does not work for some of the API methods
JE-49482Error while attaching add-on via the AttachAddon Cloud Scripting method
JE-49589Access to the run.log file is denied on the containers created with the “startService: false” option
JE-49597Error when creating the screen session on the container
JE-49603Error while undeploying context via SSH if it was previously deployed-undeployed via the dashboard
JE-49606The “java.lang.NullPointerException” error occurs upon removing the mount point
JE-49631CLI methods for the Custom SSL operations do not work
JE-49686The “java.lang.NullPointerException” error occurs upon installing JPS package
JE-49734Error when accessing node via Web SSH
JE-49742Error when cloning node
JE-49771Symlink to the resolv.conf file is missing on containers, which are created based on the Ubuntu 18.04 OS template
JE-49776Error when adding mount point on the Storage node
JE-49797Containers with a huge number of cloudlets cannot be created
JE-49999The slow connection between nodes over NFS

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