Zabbix Monitoring Overview

Zabbix Monitoring Solution is an optional (installed by request), yet recommended infrastructure component of the platform. It monitors the main parameters of the PaaS cluster and its various infrastructure components. Zabbix tracks services availability, resource usage, network parameters, servers health and integrity.

Note: You can also perform monitoring using your own Zabbix server.

Zabbix dashboard is available via the following zabbix.{platform-domain}.* URL:

Zabbix dashboard

The platform pre-configures Zabbix, providing required hosts and ready-made templates for them. Each template includes dedicated items, triggers, and graphs: items are grouped according to the applications triggers are linked to the appropriate items graphs are built based on the items

Zabbix agent is installed on every host and is running for all infrastructure components. It collects data according to items configured on Zabbix and sends it back to the server.

To analyze data on a specific host for a needed period, go to the Monitoring > Latest data section. Then, specify Group and Host using a drop-down list. Click Graph for the issue you are interested in:

monitoring with Zabbix

The platform provides a robust list of alerts that will help you ensure availability and quick response time in case of any platform-related emergency. Zabbix uses a flexible notification mechanism that allows configuring preferred delivery methods (email, SMS, Jabber, or custom scripts).

Zabbix monitors the main parameters of the hardware hosts and infrastructure components:

  • hardware and infrastructure hosts availability
  • services availability (http, ftp, ssh)
  • operation system processes
  • specific processes inside infrastructure containers
  • critical usage of the swap, disk space, CPU
  • web monitoring of the user dashboard and JCA (availability, response time, download speed)
  • web monitoring critical internal platform parameters (statistics, billing, etc.)
  • other kinds of web monitoring

Resolution steps for most of the issues reported via Zabbix are listed in the dedicated Alert Resolution document.

What’s next?