Consecutive Jobs Execution

01-3 Before actual applying the implemented DevOps solution for automated delivering of your project to production, it is recommended to find out whether it works as intended during all of the flow stages. For that, all the specified Jenkins jobs should be manually consecutively called so you can check the interaction of different delivery phases and reveal the possible errors or misconfigurations.

So, let’s see how each of our added Jenkins jobs acts. For that, we’ll run them one by one according to the mentioned flow:

Create Environment > Build and Deploy > Dev Tests > Migrate to QA > QA Tests > Migrate to Production

To execute a particular item, click on the triangle icon next to it and select the Build Now option within the shown context menu:


The progress of processing each job can be tracked either through the Jenkins output (Console Output option at a particular build’s context menu) or by using the appropriate log files within your Jenkins container.

And below you’ll find the list of expected results upon running our scripts by means of these jobs:

Tip: After you ensure that all of the steps are successfully executed without any errors, proceed to chaining the jobs in a single automated workflow to finalize the considered DevOps scenario.

Create Environment

Wait until the process is finished and check your dev user account.


As you can see, the new environment was successfully created alongside the already running Jenkins project.

Build and Deploy

At this stage Maven node builds the .war file based on the sources, provided with the VCS repo link.

Note: On the very first start the required dependencies are downloaded, thus this deployment can take some time.


As a result, your project will be successfully built and deployed to the environment.

Dev Tests

In our example, this job just emulates some activity for the proper workflow representation, but when running the real tests, their results can be seen via the Console Output section (which is accessible through the special menu for the still being handled or the last finished operation).


Our QA Tests results are similar to these ones and could be tracked in just the same way, thus we’ll skip this step below.

Migrate to QA

Wait until the process is finished and log into your QA team account.


You’ll see your environment appeared at its dashboard, being automatically transferred from the dev user’s account (with no manual confirmation required thanks to the script used) and simultaneously physically relocated to the Test hardware (according to the region label, circled in the image above).

Migrate to Production

The final step is delivery of the polished, comprehensively tested and ready-to-use project to the customers.


Similar to the previous migration operation, it is done in two steps: transferring the ownership and moving the project to the corresponding production hardware.

What’s next?