Custom SSL
Custom SSL certificates ensure a significant level of security for domain names. With the platform, hosting applications that need SSL support becomes as easy as one click action.
Custom SSL certificate can be applied to any environment with a custom domain bound and an external IP address attached to its entry point (i.e. application server or balancer node). Herewith, the following certificate types are supported:
- Self-signed
- Wildcard
- Multiple domain
- Extended validation single domain
- Extended validation multiple domain
- UCC Exchange
- Low assurance/domain-validated certificate
- Code signing certificate
- Email certificate
- Root signing certificate
To use any from above, a user needs to generate/acquire a certificate and add its files to the required environment using the corresponding option within the environment Settings menu. Herewith, in the most common case, such a certificate can be either self-signed (i.e. untrusted) or verified by CA (Certificate Authority) - the detailed instructions on operating with both of these certificate types are provided within the linked guides.
Also, you can use the Buy SSL Certificate option, shown at the appropriate topology wizard section, to redirect users to the page with your own SSL certificates offered or just to simplify the process of certificate purchase for them (its displayment is regulated with the UI_BUY_SSL_CERTIFICATE setting within the System Settings > User Interface section of your JCA panel). To insert the required link to the abovementioned option, please, contact Operations Team.