Collaboration Settings

The platform has a few settings that you should take into consideration when configuring the account collaboration feature.

Note: These settings are applied for the reworked collaboration feature (i.e. since the 7.0 platform release).

1. By default, the platform provides an auto-managed set of collaboration policies (permissions) that are used to allow collaboration members to perform just the needed operation. In some specific cases, it may be needed to extend this default set with some additional policies.

In order to provide a customer with the ability to add custom policies, a dedicated collaboration.manage.policies.enabled quota should be enabled for that account.

Note: The custom policies feature is currently in the Beta state. It should be enabled only for trusted customers when their use case cannot be implemented with standard policies.

custom collaboration policies quota

2. The feature utilizes a set of collaboration email templates that should be customized for each of the localizations used on the platform:

  • user_collaboration_accept - member has accepted your collaboration invite
  • user_collaboration_leave - member has left your collaboration
  • user_collaboration_regect - member has rejected your collaboration invite
  • user_collaboration_member_activate - your collaboration has been activated (after suspension)
  • user_collaboration_member_delete - your collaboration has been terminated
  • user_collaboration_member_invite - you have been invited to collaboration
  • user_collaboration_member_suspend - your collaboration has been suspended

collaboration email templates

3. Default policies names and descriptions can be adjusted through the dashboard localization file using the localization keys of the following type:

  • LT_Clb_PolicyName_{policyId} - display name for policy
  • LT_Clb_PolicyDesc_{policyId} - description of the policy

For example, the following code part will be displayed as it is shown in the image below:

    "LT_Clb_PolicyName_system.env-groups.*"              : "Env Group",
    "LT_Clb_PolicyDesc_system.env-groups.*"              : "manage shared environment groups",

    "LT_Clb_PolicyName_system.env-groups.managing"       : "Managing",
    "LT_Clb_PolicyDesc_system.env-groups.managing"       : "manage shared groups and attach/detach environments to/from groups",

    "LT_Clb_PolicyName_system.env-groups.isolation"      : "Network Isolation",
    "LT_Clb_PolicyDesc_system.env-groups.isolation"      : "enable/disable network isolation for shared groups",

policies and description localization

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