Direct URL for One-Click Application Installation

You can provide your users with a direct URL for deploying packaged applications and clusters automatically.

There are three kinds of such links that can be pre-generated with:

Application names that can be used for automatic deploy can be seen in the admin panel’s Marketplace (the ID value).

marketplace application ID

If using this link, a user is redirected to the platform dashboard, and the deployment is started automatically right after entering account login and password. It is appropriate to use only for registered customers who already have credentials.




Here, substitute the {hoster_domain} placeholder with the domain name of your platform and {app_name} with the ID value of the required application (see the previous section).

Tip: If needed, you can provide an encoded JPS manifest of the required application directly within the URL (instead of the {app_name} placeholder).

Such a link logs in a user into the dashboard without the need to provide credentials and automatically starts the required application installation. It is an option for mailing campaigns to already registered customers.

To generate such a direct URL, you should prepare a script for performing the following algorithm:

1. Using your admin credentials create the link based on the following sample:

Note: You need to provide the credentials of the admin user.

2. Follow the link you’ve just created to get your session (same-named parameter from the opened JSON file):

session: "{session}"

3. Create one more link using the email of a target user ({user_email}), ID or encoded JPS of the required application ({app_name}), and admin user session ({session}):


4. Open the link and check the JSON response for the link value.

link: "{URL}"

It is the link that will automatically log in a user and initiate application installation.

The platform provides a special link for application installation that can target even customers not yet registered on the platform. After executing the URL, a confirmation email will be sent to the user. If confirmed, the user is automatically registered (if not yet) and logged into the dashboard with the required application installation form automatically started.

Herewith, you need to dynamically provide the email address of the target user (e.g., create your own form/widget, where a customer specifies required address).

Tip: As an alternative option, you can use the platform-developed applications installation widgets at your site.

The following parameters are supported for this link:

  • email={user_email} - email address of the target user
  • id={app_id} - ID or encoded JPS of the required application
  • manifest={manifest} (this parameter can be used instead of the id one) - link to the application manifest file
  • &iref={internal_referrer} - indicates the page where the app package widget is placed (optional)
  • &eref={external_referrer} - defines the initial source from which a user came to the page with the app package widget (optional)

The values of the last two parameters will be displayed in Platform DB and can be used for tracking.

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