Quotas List
The system of quotas at the platform is intended for setting limits on particular options, resources and account usage for users while working with a PaaS.
These limitations can be regulated by cluster administrators via JCA:
- for groups - at the Groups > Quotas tab
- for separate users - by selecting the necessary customer within the Users section and switching to the Quotas tab at the pane to the right
Note: Users can view their accounts main limitations directly at the platform dashboard within the Quotas & Pricing information window.
Below, we’ve provided a complete list of all the existing quotas (sorted alphabetically) with their detailed descriptions. Herewith, the last two columns show just an example option value for a particular group type (i.e. trial and billing), which, in case of necessity, can be manually adjusted by cluster admin.
Quotas | Units | Trial | Billing |
account.charge.balance.first This quota regulates the sequence of charging the accounts. If the value is 1, the main balance is charged first. And if the value is 0, the first of all the bonuses are used and only then, the money from the main balance. | availability | 0 | 0 |
account.convert.after.first.fund.enabled State 1 if you’d like to enable account upgrade to the billing group only when its balance is funded (but not just after submitting the Upgrade form). | availability | 1 | n/a |
account.convert.after.login.enabled Set as 1 to enable obligatory account conversion to billing group right after registration. | availability | 0 | n/a |
account.destroy.period The period after which the deactivated account becomes destroyed. This functionality depends on the account.trial.destroy and account.destroy system settings. | day | 30 | 60 |
account.minbalance The minimum amount of funds (according to the currency used) that should be present at the account balance for a user to avoid deactivation (can be a negative value). | money | 0 | 0 |
account.personal.min.threshold When account balance drops below this value, platform starts to send warning emails to the end-user. Set this quota to 0 for disabling these notifications. | money | n/a | 50 |
account.post.invoice.generation.enabled Allows disabling invoice generation for users in the POST group, which may be required to set up some non-trivial billing implementations. For example, when users are billed using an external billing system. | availability | n/a | 1 |
account.subscriptions.enabled Allowing users to purchase subscription-based solution. | availability | 0 | 1 |
account.subscriptions.resources.destroy.period The period (in days) the environments suspended due to the unpaid subscription should be kept before destroying them | day | 14 | 14 |
account.subscriptions.withdraw.type Choosing the subscription invoices withdrawal type (1 – via account balance and bonuses, 2 – via external invoice). | type | 1 | 1 |
account.trial.bonus Amount of bonuses (according to the currency used) a user gets for using a trial account. After all the bonuses are spent, such an account will be deactivated. To avoid the subsequent destroy of the account, it should be converted to the billing one. | money | 0 | n/a |
account.trialperiod The period during which a trial account can be used. After the end of this period a trial account is deactivated. To avoid the subsequent destroy of the account, it should be converted to the billing one. The value of this quota can be set to “-1” for disabling the trial period limitation by the number of days. | day | 14 | n/a |
account.upgradewindow The period of time for transferring money to the account after its upgrade. It is used to avoid unnecessary deactivation while waiting for the payment completion. | hour | n/a | 3 |
bonus.fund.amount Amount of bonuses (according to the currency used) an existing billing user can receive as a bonus upon each refill of the account balance. | money | n/a | 0 |
bonus.fund.percent Percentage from the payment an existing billing user can receive as a bonus upon each refill of the account balance. | % | n/a | 0 |
bonus.reactivated.amount Amount of bonuses (according to the currency used) the destroyed/deactivated billing user can receive upon refilling of the account balance (and thus reactivating the account). | money | n/a | 0 |
bonus.reactivated.percent Percentage from the payment the destroyed/deactivated billing user can receive as a bonus upon refiling of the account balance (and thus reactivating the account). | % | n/a | 0 |
bonus.upgrade.amount Amount of bonuses (according to the currency used) a user can receive for the first payment done after the account conversion (can be 0). | money | n/a | 50 |
bonus.upgrade.end.day A number of days after sign up when the reward system for converting the newly registered trial account ends. | day | n/a | 2 |
bonus.upgrade.percent Percentage from the first payment made after the account conversion, that can be received by a user as a bonus (can be 0). | % | n/a | 100 |
bonus.upgrade.start.day A number of days after sign up when the reward system for converting the newly registered trial account starts. | day | n/a | 0 |
collaboration.manage.policies.enabled Enabling the possibility to add and manage custom policies for the account collaboration feature. | availability | 0 | 0 |
dcachesize.hard.maximum A maximum size of the disk cache (hard type) on containers | MiB | 500 | 500 |
dcachesize.hard.minimum A minimum size of the disk cache (hard type) on containers | MiB | 45 | 45 |
dcachesize.hard.per.cloudlet A size of the disk cache (hard type) to be allocated on containers based on the cloudlets number dcachesize = MIN(MAX(dcachesize.per.cloudlet * cloudlets, dcachesize.minimum), dcachesize.maximum) | MiB | 10 | 10 |
dcachesize.soft.maximum A maximum size of the disk cache (soft type) on containers | MiB | 450 | 450 |
dcachesize.soft.minimum A minimum size of the disk cache (soft type) on containers | MiB | 45 | 45 |
dcachesize.soft.per.cloudlet A size of the disk cache (soft type) to be allocated on containers based on the cloudlets number dcachesize = MIN(MAX(dcachesize.per.cloudlet * cloudlets, dcachesize.minimum), dcachesize.maximum) | MiB | 9 | 9 |
disk.iolimit The bandwidth of a container for performing the disk input/output operations. Note that this quota value is applied during container creation, so changing it won’t affect the already existing containers. | B/s 10485760 B = 10 MB | 10485760 | 10485760 |
disk.iopslimit The maximum number of disk input/output operations that a container is allowed to perform per second. Note that this quota value is applied during container creation, so changing it won’t affect the already existing containers. | operations per second | 500 | 1000 |
disk.limitation The maximum available disk space users can allocate per container (except the Shared Storage one). | MB | 100000 | 100000 |
environment.delete.confirm.type Choosing confirmation type for the environment removal operation (0 by password, 1 by environment name). | type | 0 | 0 |
environment.docker.enabled Enabling the custom Docker containers support for end-users. | availability | 1 | 1 |
environment.domains.count The maximum number of additional environment domains per environment | count | 3 | 3 |
environment.endpoint.count.per.node The maximum number of allowed endpoint connections for a single node. | count | 5 | 10 |
environment.endpoint.enabled Enabling the endpoints feature availability for users. | availability | 1 | 1 |
environment.export.import.enabled Enabling the Environment Export/Import option availability for users. | availability | 0 | 1 |
environment.extdomain.enabled Enabling environment custom domain binding and swap domains functionality for end-users. | availability | 0 | 1 |
environment.externalip.enabled Allowing users to attach the Public IPv4 address(es) to their containers. | availability | 0 | 1 |
environment.externalip.maxcount The maximum number of Public IPv4 addresses per environment. | count | 0 | 99 |
environment.externalip.maxcount.per.node The maximum number of Public IPv4 addresses per node. | count | 0 | 5 |
environment.externalip.primary.deletion.enabled Possibility to remove a node primary IP (i.e. the very first one added to container), even as it’s not the last one. | availability | 0 | 0 |
environment.externalipv6.enabled Allowing users to attach the Public IPv6 address(es) to their containers. | availability | 0 | 0 |
environment.externalipv6.maxcount The maximum number of Public IPv6 addresses per environment. | count | 0 | 0 |
environment.externalipv6.maxcount.per.node The maximum number of Public IPv6 addresses per node. | count | 0 | 0 |
environment.highavailability.enabled Allowing users to use the High Availability option. | availability | 0 | 1 |
environment.jelasticssl.enabled Allowing the Built-In SSL functionality for end-users. | availability | 0 | 1 |
environment.maxcloudletsperrec The maximum number of cloudlets, which can be allocated for each container. | count | 8 | 32 |
environment.maxcount The maximum number of environments, which is allowed to be created by users. | count | 5 | 9999999 |
environment.maxnodescount The maximum overall number of nodes, which allowed to be added to a single environment. | count | 6 | 48 |
environment.maxsamenodescount The maximum number of the same-type nodes, allowed to be added within a single environment. | count | 2 | 16 |
environment.migration.enabled Allowing the environment migration between regions. | availability | 1 | 1 |
environment.node.domains.count The maximum number of additional node subdomains per environment | count | 3 | 3 |
environment.node.domains.toplevel.enabled Enables/disables ability to attach additional node subdomains via “-”, i.e. ${subDomain}-${envName}.${platformDomain} | availability | 0 | 1 |
environment.nodegroup.domains.count The maximum number of additional layer subdomains per environment | count | 3 | 3 |
environment.nodegroup.domains.toplevel.enabled Enables/disables ability to attach additional layer subdomains via “-”, i.e. ${subDomain}-${envName}.${platformDomain} | availability | 0 | 1 |
environment.ssh.nodetype.restriction.enabled Allowing to restrict end-users SSH access to the list of nodes specified within the jelastic.ssh.nodetype.restriction.list system setting. | availability | 0 | 0 |
environment.vds.enabled Allowing creation of Virtual Private Server (VPS) containers for users. | availability | 0 | 1 |
firewall.enabled Enabling the container firewall feature for end-users. | availability | 1 | 1 |
jelastic.anti.phishing.banner.enabled Enabling an anti phishing banner for all environments on trial accounts. | availability | 0 | n/a |
netfilter.iplimit The maximum number of connections received from a particular IP address per container | count | 5000 | 5000 |
network.bandwidth.limitation The maximum amount of data (per container) that is allowed to be transmitted during the fixed amount of time. Note that this quota value is applied during container creation, so changing it won’t affect the already existing containers. | Kbps | 50000 | 100000 |
remove.data.after.destroy.days If the jelastic.remove.data.enabled system setting is true, automatically removes personal data of the destroyed accounts after the specified number of days. Herewith, the removal mode can be selected with the jelastic.data.remove.mode setting. | days | 0 | 0 |
send.notification Enabling sending of the built-in platform notifications regarding the billing-related events (like the necessity of account upgrade, its deactivation or destroying, receiving bonus funds for conversion). | availability | 1 | 1 |
sendmail.enabled Allowing users to utilize a sendmail service directly from container without an obligatory Public IP attachment | availability | 0 | 0 |
slb.customssl.maxcount The maximum number of user Custom SSL certificates attached via Shared Load Balancer | count | 5 | 50 |
sleep.after.inactive.hours The number of idling hours before environment will be hibernated. The 0 value will disable automatic suspension of inactive environments. | hours | 0 | 0 |
sleep.stop.after.hours The number of hours before hibernated environment will be stopped completely. The -1 value will disable the suspended environments autostop, while 0 will cause an immediate stop (i.e. skipping the sleeping state). | hours | -1 | -1 |
ssh.access.enabled Allowing users to access their containers via SSH protocol. | availability | 0 | 1 |
storage.node.disk.limitation The maximum available disk space users can allocate per Shared Storage container. This value should be no less than the disk.limitation quota. | MB | 100000 | 100000 |
vds.internal.ip.enabled Enabling users to attach the internal IP address to a VPS node and remove the usually obligatory external one. Note: It is strongly recommended not to enable this quota for all users (as it is rather insecure). With an internal IP attached to a VPS node, a user gets an opportunity to operate with an internal platform network, scan it, know the number and type of servers, etc. Thus, you should enable this quota only for separate users upon the particular request received and at your own risk. | availability | 0 | 0 |
vm.nodes.enabled Allowing users to create virtual machines (VM) nodes. | availability | 0 | 1 |
windows.nodes.enabled Enabling the .NET/Windows hosting support for end-users. | availability | 0 | 1 |