Multi-Cloud Configurations

After the partition of your hardware into regions/host groups is done, you need to perform a set of obligatory configurations, that will help you to reveal the maximum efficiency of the multi-hardware sets approach, both for you and for your customers. So, here is the list of the required actions:

Only after all the above listed adjustments are completed, you can proceed to enabling the environment regions for the users.

Set Pool of External IPs

Every region requires its own pool of External IP addresses to be allocated for the instances, accommodated therein. The instruction below will show you the process of its addition.

1. Open the Cluster > IP Pool > External menu section.

You’ll see the list of already added Public IPs, each of which can only be used within the Regions, stated in the same-named column to the right.

add external IP range

Click on the Add IP range button above to proceed.

2. In the appeared window, specify the Start and End IP addresses of the range you’d like to add and tick at least one region (or several of them) that the corresponding IPs will be available for.

add IP rangedialog

Click Add at the bottom of the frame to finish. After that, the corresponding addresses will appear within the common list with the appropriate regions pointed.

Tip: For additional information on managing IP Pools of both external and internal addresses for your PaaS cluster, refer to the linked guide.

Configure Affinity of Regions

In order to manage the regions' availability for particular groups of users, i.e. to define which of them will be able to allocate their containers at the appropriate hardware, perform the simple steps, described below:

1. Navigate to the Billing > Groups JCA menu option.

JCA groups section

Within the shown list, select a group you want to adjust the permissions for.

2. Switch to the Pricing tab at the separate right-hand panel. You’ll see the list of all of your PaaS installation’s regions and host groups available.

JCA group pricing

Click on the Edit button above.

3. Once in the editing mode, you can make the desired changes through setting the following options within the presented columns:

configure regions avalability

  • Default - choose the initial host group, that will be proposed for a user during the first environment creation (subsequently it will be stated based on the last user’s choice).

    Note: The selected hardware set will automatically become available for the current group of users.

  • Available - tick the host groups you’d like to be used by the current user group

  • Pricing model - here you can point different pricing models for every host group’s resources usage - read the pricing section for the detailed instruction

Click Apply to save the made changes.

Tip: For more information on managing users' groups, see the corresponding document.

Subsequently (after the feature is enabled for the end-users), the stated hardware sets will become available for the selected group of users for being chosen during the new environment creation or migrating the existing one.

Specify Pricing Tiering for Host Groups

As the capacity of the supplied hardware and features, delivered within different host groups, can vary, the platform provides an ability to set the appropriate pricing model for each of them per every group of users.

1. To start with, you need to configure the required tariff plan(s) (using the Billing > Tariffs JCA section) to describe how different resource types should be charged (refer to the linked guide to find the detailed instruction on this operation).

JCA tariffs section

2. Next, you should switch to the Billing > Pricing models section of the JCA and combine the created tariff plans of different types into the pricing model(s) according to a particular host group’s options that are provided.

add pricing model dialog

3. And the last thing you need to do is to select the necessary group of users within the Billing > Groups JCA section and assign the previously created pricing model(s) to the corresponding host group(s).

For that, click on the Edit button above the shown list of regions and use the drop-down lists at the Pricing model column next to the required host group.

edit pricing model for user group

Don’t forget to confirm your settings with the Apply button.

Customize Displaying of Regions

Another important point in configuring multi-region structure is to ensure the intuitive usability for the variety of supplied host groups with the help of the proper visualization. This can be achieved by means of adjusting the appropriate interface elements - fitting icons and clear descriptions for the regions to be delivered at the end-users' dashboard.

Custom Icons for Regions

You can visually divide the provided host groups by giving them different icons. Such a differentiation can be based on any parameters you wish - for example, you can highlight groups from one region in the same way (e.g. by flag icons), or set something like a color legend in order to separate them due to capacity, available services or other intentional purposes.

Note: If no custom icon is specified (according to the instruction below), the default globe pictogram (default region icon) will be displayed.

So, in order to accomplish this customization, just perform a few steps, described below:

1. Connect to the platform resources folder.

2. Within the public_html folder, upload the header.html file (which is used for stating the custom dashboard styles) with the following CSS styles specified for the icons of every provided host group:

  • .regions-combo-icon-{HostGroup} - selector for the icon, placed before the host group name at the corresponding drop-down list of the topology wizard region icons combo-box

  • .regions-label-icon-{HostGroup} - selector for the icon, shown next to environments in the user’s dashboard region icons dashboard

  • .regions-info-icon-{HostGroup} - selector for the icon inside the Quotas & Pricing > Regions information panel region icons quotas and pricing

In each of the above listed settings, the {HostGroup} string should be substituted with the Unique Name identifier of a particular host group (you’ve set it during the creation).

Note: The mentioned identifiers should be typed without the [ . + - _ ] characters (if they are contained) - for example, the “re-gio_n” name should be converted to “region”.

Below you can see the example piece of code (with the explicative comments inside) for defining these styles in the header.html file.

     width: 16px !important;
    /* image width, set with the highest priority (the optimal icon size is 16*16 px) */
     background-image: url(path/to/image) !important;
    /* relative path to image with icon itself (e.g. resources/images/flags/gh.png), set with the highest priority */

Note: This is just an example, so feel free to modify this code based on your needs. However, there are a few recommendations you should take into consideration:

  • using icons with the 16*16 px size ensures their proper displaying throughout the dashboard
  • state the same icons to be used for a single region at all of the three dashboard locations, described above, in order not to mislead the users

3. Once this is done, access the https://app.{platform_domain}/rebuild link in your browser in order to initiate applying the changes.

Custom Descriptions for Regions

In order to simplify the process of choosing a suitable region for your users, you can add descriptions with their specifications and distinctive features enumerated. For example, some benefits (like 2 free cloudlets per instance, SSD storage, etc.) or limitations (Windows Support disabled, Storage capacity: 10 GB) can be highlighted.

Note: If no custom descriptions are specified according to the instruction below, the appropriate sections, listed below, will be shown as empty (the only exception is the Default Region/Host Group - being created automatically during the 3.3 PaaS version installation, they are supplied with the default descriptions, which, however, could be easily modified in the same way)

The descriptions could be set through the dashboard localization files. You need to repeat the following steps in order to access and adjust them:

1. Connect to the platform resources folder.

2. Navigate to the public_html > locale folder and customize the localization files it contains. Three placeholders of the following type are used for every host group’s description:

  • LT_Region_ShortDescription_{HostGroup} - a short description that is visible at the dashboards' drop-down list during the host group selection region description combo-box

  • LT_Region_Description_{HostGroup} - full hardware set description for the Quotas & Pricing > Regions information panel (supports HTML)

  • LT_Region_Description_MD_{HostGroup} - full hardware set description for the Quotas & Pricing > Regions information panel in the markdown format (utilized if the LT_Region_Description_{HostGroup} key is not provided) region description quotas and pricing

Note: This frame is opened while selecting the More details… option in the environment regions list. If for some reason you’d like to change this behavior, you can customize it to act as a link, that leads to the platfrom documentation page with the general information on working with environment regions (or to disable the Regions tab at all).

In order to place a link here, change the LT_EnvRegionSelector_Item_Info placeholder’s value in localization files to the "[link]More details…[/link]" value.

Also, the destination page address can be modified using the System Settings > Links > DOCS_ENV_REGIONS parameter to redirect a user, for example, to your own page with information on the provided host groups' specifics and pricing.

In all these cases the {HostGroup} string should be substituted with the Unique Name identifier of a particular host group (set during the creation).

Note: Such custom descriptions should be duplicated in both localization files (with .js and .js.gz extensions) for every used language.

The specified texts will appear at the dashboard just after the updated localization files are applied.

Enable Regions at the Dashboard

Once you’ve performed all the configurations, described above, the multi-region option can be enabled at the end-users' dashboard.

This feature’s availability is controlled by the following interface parameters within the System Settings > User Interface section of your admin panel:

  • ENV_REGIONS_PANEL - defines whether the Regions tab at the Quotas & Pricing information frame needs to be displayed user interface regions panel If disabled, the Pricing section of the same frame will be shown instead.

  • ENV_REGIONS_SELECTOR - enables the drop-down list for the region selection at the environment wizard (and at all the corresponding dialog frames) user interface regions selector

For enabling any of these parameters, expand the two-level list and state true for the all > default string.

Tip: The above-mentioned settings can also be configured separately based on the user’s group or chosen dashboard localization (for example, you can leave the feature disabled for the trial users). More information and a short guide on such tweaks is presented in the User Interface Settings document.

Don’t forget to Apply the changes made through selecting the same-named button above the parameters' list.

user interface apply changes

Now, your multi-region policy is fully prepared and available for usage. Check the Users' Experience with Environment Regions document to get acquainted with the provided services from the customers' side.

What’s next?