Localization Settings

Navigate to the Localization > Email Templates menu item to see the list of emails, available for mailing out the platform users. Here, you can configure your master template and edit each particular email template due to your requirements (e.g. apply localization).

email templates

Within the section tools panel, you can see buttons, which allow:

Emails Publish & Preview

To ensure rapid delivery of emails to end-users, the platform stores notifications in a cache. Such implementation allows to build messages from the email templates only in case there is no cached version (i.e. just once). Herewith, after editing a template, make sure you’ve cleared cache with the Publish button; otherwise, the platform will continue sending the previously cached version of the notification.

publish email templates

Also, you can use the Preview button to check all of the emails (includes versions for all languages supported on the platform):

preview email templates

You can preview your email template either in a separate browser tab or in a popup window.

Emails Export/Import

The emails export/import functionality allows quickly and comfortably apply localization based on the existing templates (including master one).

1. Click the Export button at the tools panel to download all emails for a specific language (Localization) in a single text file.

export email templates

2. Each email in the obtained file consists of two parts divided by the “” separator:

  • metadata - YAML configurations, which define the subject, name, and title properties; herewith, the master template includes only the “name: master” parameter
Note: Do not change the name value as it is used by the platform as ID when importing emails back to the platform.
  • content - email body in HTML format

emails formatting in txt file

3. Adjust the downloaded emails up to your needs (e.g. translate to the required language), using any preferable tools.


  • resulting file should maintain the format described in the previous step
  • the imported file can contain one or multiple emails (e.g. you can copy just a few required notifications into a separate file)

4. Return to the admin panel and click Import in the tools panel. Within the opened dialog you should provide:

  • Localization - denomination of the language to be replaced with the new emails
  • File - text file with customized emails (click Browse to locate)
  • I’ve saved the data - confirmation checkbox, which recommends creating a backup before proceeding with the emails import operation (is automatically ticked upon clicking the Download backup button)

import email templates

Click Import to replace your current emails for the selected language with the custom notifications from the provided file.

That’s all! Just do not forget to publish emails, making changes available in production.

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